The Bos\’un Locker

During times of war and during times of peace, we must prepare for tomorrow with the realities of today.

Archive for the ‘Liberal Society’ Category

Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing

Posted by thebosun on October 11, 2007

Hat tip to my friend at Hannity forum, 5thIDSoldier

Muslims Leaders Warn Pope ‘Survival of World’ at Stake

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The “survival of the world” is at stake if Muslims and Christians do not make peace with each other, leaders of the Muslim world will warn the Pope and other Christian leaders today.

In an unprecedented open letter signed by 138 leading scholars from every sect of Islam, the Muslims plead with Christian leaders “to come together with us on the common essentials of our two religions” and spell out the similarities between passages of the Bible and the Koran.

The scholars state: “As Muslims, we say to Christians that we are not against them and that Islam is not against them – so long as they do not wage war against Muslims on account of their religion, oppress them and drive them out of their homes.”

The phrasing has echoes of the New Testament passage: “He that is not with me is against me” – a passage used by President George Bush when addressing a joint session of Congress nine days after 9/11.

The Muslims call instead for the emphasis to be on the shared characteristics of world’s two largest faiths.

The letter, addressed to Pope Benedict XVI, to the Orthodox Church’s Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew 1 and all the other Orthodox Patriarchs and to the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams and the leaders of all other Protestant churches worldwide, will be rolled out around the world this morning in a series of press conferences beginning in Jordan.

It is supported by the Bishop of London, the Right Rev Richard Chartres, and promoted by Professor David Ford is Regius Professor of Divinity, and Fellow of Selwyn College, University of Cambridge. Professor Ford is also the Founding Director of the Cambridge Inter-Faith Program and led this year’s international inter-faith conference at Lancaster House in June on ‘Islam and Muslims in the World Today’.

Signatures include Shaykh Sevki Omarbasic, Grand Mufti of Croatia, Dr Abdul Hamid Othman, adviser to the Prime Minister of Malaysia and Dr Ali Ozak, head of the endowment for Islamic scientific studies in Istanbul, Turkey. They also include Shaykh Dr Nuh Ali Salman Al-Qudah, Grand Mufti of Jordan and Shaykh Dr Ikrima Said Sabri, former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Imam of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.  For the complete article here is the link: Muslims Leaders Warn Pope ‘Survival of World’ at Stake

We are hearing these Muslim clerics saying that Islam means peace. But the word Islam means “submission” and a Muslim is one who is in submission to Allah. Their goal as stated in the Qur’an is to bring the entire world into submission to Allah and the Koran and have a global Islamic empire.

The Sahih Muslim Hadith, [Book 019, Number 4294] indicates that a Muslim da’wa is required before an all out onslaught with the infidel western enemies.

Last month we had Bin Laden issuing a warning (da’wa) to the infidels of America and the west to convert to Islam or perish, “The biggest and most irreversible error one can commit in this world is to die without surrendering oneself to Allah, namely, to die without embracing Islam……” Today we may be seeing 138 leading scholars from every sect of Islam pleading a reconciliation. I question the scholars real motives.

Is an attack imminent? Do these scholars know or suspect that something is up with Al-Qaeda or Amannamedjihad? Only the Islamists know for sure.

I say, beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Because the invitation for reconciliation was not extended to the Jews, I would be suspect and skeptical at this move by the scholars. It tends to confuse the issue and win the hearts and minds of the naive.

My message for the liberal crowd who is probably organizing the kumby ya sing alongs at this very moment, “You don’t know what you are up against.”

Be ever vigilant.

Posted in Anti Semitic, Anti-Semitism, apologists and appeasers, apostasy, Caliphate, Christian, Global Jihad, Islamic revolution, Islamic Theologian, Islamisation, Islamist, Islamofascism, Jew hater, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, Muslim, Muslim Religion, Prayers, Religion, Religious converts, religious war, Social Engineering | Leave a Comment »

Obama’s Kingdom of God on Earth

Posted by thebosun on October 8, 2007

In a story sounding like a Mel Brooks movie,  Senator B. Hussein Obama, a democrat presidential contender spoke at an evangelical church in Greenville, South Carolina, saying that Republicans no longer have a firm grip on religion in political discourse. 

According to CNN, “I think its important particularly for those of us in the Democratic Party to not cede values and faith to any one party,” Obama told reporters outside the Redemption World Outreach Center where he attended services. ……  “Democrats were fearful of talking about faith, and on the other hand you had the Republicans who had a particular brand of faith that often times seemed intolerant or pushed people away….I think that’s a healthy thing, that we’re not putting people in boxes, that everybody is out there trying to figure out how do we live right and how do we create a stronger America,” Obama said…….”We’re going to keep on praising together. I am confident that we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth.”  Source: Obama: GOP doesn’t own faith and values

Man, is it getting deep now. The liberals have really become religious as of late, haven’t they?  B. Hussein Obama appears to be desperate and trying to do anything to catch up in the polls. 

It makes me chuckle when I see all the political candidates tripping all over themselves and each other trying to make like they are more “religious” that the next guy or girl. 

The new left democrats mantra, “I found G-D,” or, “I am inspired to do G-D’s work” is a little too much.  The candidates sound more like the Blues Brothers that real candidates.  We even have non political chuckleheads like Michael Vick and Paris Hilton have chanted the “I found G-d, amen” defense.  Back to B. Hussein Obama’s performance on Sunday, this is a made for the cinema movie script on the par a Mel Brooks parody.

Presidential candidates should run on issues and not what they think the public wants. You gotta admit that B. Hussein Obama’s visit to the church and his speech about establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth is a little suspect. One would begin to suspect.  B. Hussein Obama, go ahead and get your poll numbers up and set up the utopian Kingdom on earth. 

Posted in apologists and appeasers, Branches of the Government, Democrats and Republicans, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, Politics, President, Social Engineering | Leave a Comment »

Obama wants Gay Military

Posted by thebosun on October 6, 2007

Courtesy of Big Dog posted at his website’s Commentary, Military on October 6th, 2007

Obama Wants Openly Gay Military

For a very long time the United States armed forces had a rule that made it illegal for gay people to serve in the military. Homosexuality was deemed incompatible with military life. When Clinton became President he tried to change that to appease the homo crowd who he had pandered to but the best he could do was get don’t ask, don’t tell passed. Now, B. Hussein Obama wants to end DADT and make it OK for openly gay people to serve. To Obama, since England and Israel do it that way, it is fine. I love the way that liberals say we should do something because some other country does it but let’s give Hussein this one and say that additionally, Israel requires service in the military from everyone when they graduate high school. It is compulsory service so if we should follow Israel’s lead, we need to start making EVERYONE serve in the armed forces.

There area number of reasons that homosexuals should not be serving in the military, though to be honest, in a firefight I would not give a hoot in hell. However, there are more negatives than positives in this issue and the military has to look out for national defense first and foremost. Allowing homosexuals in would be another problem and cause other issues that would take away from the mission of the military. It is not the job of the armed forces to have equality and fairness. Fat people are not allowed, those with poor sight, those with other conditions are not allowed. The military has decided that homosexuality is incompatible with military life and that is how it should stand.

Hussein Obama should also be careful what he asks for because of the unintended consequences. Let us suppose that Obama wins the presidency and has a majority Congress and gets this passed. The recruitment of soldiers would go way, way down. Then Obama would be forced to implement a draft in order to provide national defense, something he claims to have a grasp on. You see, the majority of our enlistees come from the mid west and the south. These areas are full of the Christian right, people who believe homosexuality is an abomination. The liberal elitists in New England and the west coast regions have much fewer people enlisting than does the south and mid west. If Hussein Obama allows gays to openly serve a bunch of people who are in will leave at the end of their hitch and those who thought about joining would skip it. This would mean Obama would have to institute the draft.

I realize that he said that he would bring the troops home so people might not feel any need to have a strong, full strength military. They might feel that way until the next natural disaster comes and there are no guard soldiers to assist or the next attack comes and we do not have the troops to deploy. No, B. Hussein will have to force people to serve, unless of course, his plan is to weaken the military to make it easier for Muslims to take control.

Why is it that Democrats who have never served in the military feel free to use the military for their social experiments?

Military phrases we will have to be careful with if Hussein gets his way:
Is your chute packed?
Go get your sh*t packed.
I’m locked, cocked, and ready to rock.
Who is the rear Admiral?
I only want to see asses and elbows.
Where did you get your training son? Fort Dix, sir.

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Tags experiments, homosexuals, Military, Obama, socialism

Posted in apologists and appeasers, CENTCOM, Department of Defense, DoD, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, Marines, Military Law, Social Engineering, U.S. Military, US Armed Forces, USMC | 10 Comments »

Unemployment Low, Stock Market High — But NYT Sees Economy In "Turmoil"

Posted by thebosun on October 5, 2007

Courtesy of Times Watch

Unemployment Low, Stock Market High — But NYT Sees Economy In “Turmoil”

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has soared of late, closing Wednesday at 13,968, just a hundred points off its all-time high of 14,087 reached on Monday. The unemployment rate was a low 4.6% in August. Yet if you believe Times reporters and headline writers, the economy is in crisis and turmoil.

The front page of Dealbook, a special business section of the Times included in Wednesday’s paper, trumpeted: “After the Party.” The text box read: “In a market gone sour, the messy business of buyouts puts reputations on the line.”

Andrew Ross Sorkin’s actual article on buyouts and related credit market problems didn’t directly address the stock market, but it was misleadingly accompanied by an archive photo of the floor of the New York Stock Exchange being swept up in 1938, implying that the current stock market had “gone sour.” But the market had closed the following day, Tuesday, at 14,047, just one day off its all-time high Monday of 14,087.

On Thursday’s Page 1, resident economic gloom merchant Louis Uchitelle’s “For Baltimore, Housing Slump Slows a Revival” had uncovered national economic “turmoil” by the end of his second paragraph.

“Until recently, the ballyhoo was not much needed. The revival was going well, in Baltimore and in other cities making the transition away from manufacturing. But now, the banners are the most visible evidence of the incipient damage to this major American city from the turmoil in the national economy.

“As home sales dry up, tax revenues fade, foreclosures surge and hiring declines, a new caution is inhibiting activity.”

Also on Thursday, in the Business section, reporter Edmund Andrews found yet another economic “crisis” brewing in “Democrats Split on Ways to Ease Housing Crisis.”

“Democratic leaders in Congress remain divided about how to address the growing crisis in housing and home foreclosures involving borrowers who took out subprime mortgages.”


Posted in bias in the media, Congress, Congressional Pork, Dublicitous Democrats, duplicitous democrats, economy, Legislative Branch, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, Media watch, News, News and Information, North America, Social Engineering, U.S. Senate, US News | 1 Comment »

My Country Not Yours

Posted by thebosun on October 5, 2007

THIS IS MY COUNTRY. Let me make it perfectly clear!



If you don’t want to forward this for fear of offending someone, then YOU’RE PART OF THE PROBLEM!

When will AMERICAN’S STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS??? We’ve gone so far the other way … Bent over backwards not to offend anyone. But it seems no one cares about the AMERICAN that’s being offended!

WAKE UP  America !!! If you agree … Pass this on. If you don’t agree .. You can go home!!!


Posted in Anchor Baby, apologists and appeasers, Coffee and Conversation, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration shenanigans, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, mexico, North American Union, Social Engineering | 7 Comments »

US Senate out of reality: Partitioning Iraq??

Posted by thebosun on September 30, 2007

Iraq denounces US Senate partition plan

Friday, September 28, 2007

Local reactions poured in denouncing the US Senate decision to partition Iraq viewed by its backers as a new attempt to curb violence. MP Saleh Al Motlaq considered that the decision do not respect the International Law while MP Hassan Al Shumari feared Iraq’s future would turn against federalism. In his turn, MP Mithal Al Allusi denounced the release of a similar resolution.

In the same context, the White House rejected the plan of Iraq partition as spokesman Tony Fratto undermined the importance of the Senate’s vote saying it’s a non-binding resolution. Fratto confirmed that the final decision about Iraq future goes to Iraqis’ themselves and cannot be imposed on them by foreign countries.

The Arab League criticized the draft law approved by the Senate. The league’s Director of Arab relations Ali Al Jaroush affirmed that the first mean to face such a divisive decision is to bolster Arab role in Iraq.

Read article in Arabic

Posted in apologists and appeasers, Arabian Gulf Region, Arabs, Asia, Democrats and Republicans, Economics and Politics, Iraq, Iraqi, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, Middle East, Social Engineering, South Asia, South Asia - Middle East | Leave a Comment »

American Thinker Defines Liberalism

Posted by thebosun on September 28, 2007

Just in from WeblogginBookworm has been published in today’s issue of American Thinker. This is on the heels of having two Webloggin articles linked up in American Thinker last week.

Here’s a small sampling of her great insights in Regressives.

And then there’s the word “liberal.”  It comes from the Latin “liber,” meaning free, so the word “liberal” originally referred to one committed to freedom.  Over time, however — indeed, in our lifetime — it came to mean one thing:  someone who could not win an election.  Clearly, it was time for a change.

Liberals, after some bold attempts to reclaim the title for themselves (and they’ve got the bumper stickers to prove it), decided to jettison the term entirely and come up with a new word to describe themselves.  They are now “Progressives.”  The word “progressive” means to advocate beneficial change and progress, and that’s certainly what Progressives would have the American people believe they offer.

By giving themselves this label, however, the Progressives have proven yet again that there’s no delusion quite as powerful as self-delusion.  The fact is that, if you pick apart each of the Progressives’ stands on any major issue of the day, you’ll see that either they have staked out positions that were either proven false or ineffective decades ago, or they’re still fighting battles that were long ago won, making their efforts redundant (yet still, somehow, harmful to the modern political process).

Bookworm is in the thick of it on the left coast and Webloggin encourage everyone to read the article in full.

Posted in apologists and appeasers, Lenin, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, Social Engineering | Leave a Comment »

On The Spot: Should Congress Make Taxpayers Subsidize Columbia University?

Posted by thebosun on September 26, 2007

Congressman Huntercolumbia university Courtesy of

Rep. Duncan Hunter (Republican – California) on Monday threatened to cut off federal funding to Columbia University in New York City, which on Monday hosted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a speech and question-and-answer session with students.  (Iran, according to the State Department, is a state-sponsor of terrorism.)

“If the left-wing leaders of academia will not support our troops,” Hunter said in a statement, “they, in the very least, should not support our adversaries.”

Just why should the taxpayers subside Columbia University’s social agenda?   Since 1969, Columbia has banned military recruiters since 1969 and will not sanction a ROTC program.

Prior to the Vietnam War, Columbia cadets had peacefully coexisted with their classmates since the inception of ROTC in 1916. Columbia’s dedication to service was profound—at one point in its history the university was producing more officers per year than even the U.S. Naval Academy. In spite of Columbia’s military tradition, the administration expelled ROTC programs from campus in 1969 to appease student protesters and disgruntled faculty. When the war in Vietnam ended in 1975, students resumed their studies and the protests faded away. Columbia’s ban on ROTC, however, has remained to this day.  Source: Advocates for Columbia ROTC.

For the rest of the CNSNews story: On The Spot: Should Congress Make Taxpayers Subsidize Columbia University?

Duncan has already written a letter to Columbia University President Bollinger and releases a press release;

Press Release/Statement

For Immediate Release
September 22, 2007

CONTACT:  Joe Kasper
(202) 225-5672


Washington, D.C. – In a letter to Columbia University President Lee Bollinger, U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) today criticized the University for inviting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak to students and faculty this coming Monday, September 24th.

 “This leader of state, which supports terrorists, is presently sending deadly roadside bombs across the Iraqi border to injure and kill American troops,” said Hunter.  “Columbia University’s hosting of Ahmadinejad is a slap in the face of the 165,000 U.S. troops serving in Iraq.  As he speaks, his agents will be moving roadside bombs onto the battlefield to be used against America’s military men and women. 

 This event, following the slanderous advertisement by, depicting General Petraeus as “General Betray Us,” represents the emergence of the extreme left-wing of American politics. 

 Hunter concluded, “If this event takes place as scheduled, I intend to introduce legislation to cut-off Columbia University from every form of federal assistance.  If the left-wingers of academia will not support our troops, they, in the very least, should not support our adversaries.”

Please call, fax, and/or email your congressmen and congresswomen and express your outrage at taxpayer dollars subsiding a social agenda and undermining our military.

Use this link to: Contact Elected Representatives

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Posted in anti-US, apologists and appeasers, Branches of the Government, college, communistas, Congress, Constitutional issues, Daily Briefing on Iran, Democrats and Republicans, Department of Defense, Domestic Politics, Dublicitous Democrats, duplicitous democrats, Education, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Iran, Legislative Branch, Lenin, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Military, News, News and Information, North America, Persian gulf, Persians, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, ROTC, Social Engineering, U.S. Military, University, US Armed Forces, US News | 2 Comments »

The Bird Feeder

Posted by thebosun on September 25, 2007

Author unknown.  Sent to me in an email message


I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it is as I filled it lovingly with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.

But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue.

Then came the poop. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, the table…everywhere!

Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.

And other birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.

After a while, I couldn’t even sit on my own back porch anymore. So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.

Soon, the back yard was like it used to be…quiet, serene and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.

Now let’s see….. our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care, and free education and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen.

Then the illegals came by the tens of thousands.
Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor; your child’s 2nd grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn’t speak English.

Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to ‘press one’ to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than ‘Old Glory’ are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties.

Just my opinion, but maybe it’s time for the government to take down the bird feeder. If you agree, pass it on; if not, continue cleaning up the poop!

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Posted in Anchor Baby, apologists and appeasers, Humor, Illegal, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration shenanigans, Lenin, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, mexico, North American Union, Opinions and Commentaries, Social Engineering | Leave a Comment »

Israelis Seized Nuke Material in Syria

Posted by thebosun on September 23, 2007

Courtesy of the UK Times: Israelis seized nuclear material in Syrian raid

by Uzi Mahnaimi and Sarah Baxter

Israeli commandos seized nuclear material of North Korean origin during a daring raid on a secret military site in Syria before Israel bombed it this month, according to informed sources in Washington and Jerusalem.

The attack was launched with American approval on September 6 after Washington was shown evidence the material was nuclear related, the well-placed sources say.

They confirmed that samples taken from Syria for testing had been identified as North Korean. This raised fears that Syria might have joined North Korea and Iran in seeking to acquire nuclear weapons.

Related Links

Now my friends recall my post July  30th, 2006, about Chavez, North Korea, Iran, et al?

We have a problem.  There are storm clouds brewing in the Western Hemisphere.  The close link between Chavez, North Korean, and Iran should not come at a surprise. In a La Nueva Cuba news article last year (2006) Financial Crimes consultant, Kenneth Rijock, claimed of a possible Hezbollah, North Korea, Iran, and Chavez government connection.

Rijock claimed last year that that Iran has plans to ship missiles to Chavez in oil tankers so as not to be suspected. Rijock claims that Chavez may then transfer the missiles to Cuba.  ( IS NORTH KOREAN HELPING CHAVEZ )

So, now (09/2007) we have the Chavez, Amannamedjihad, and other US – hating dictators scheduled to meet after Amannamedjihad leaves the US – UN world leader conference. They are going to have a summit in South America. I smell some rotten kimchee, if you know what I mean.

Isla Margarita, a semi desert island just off the coast of Venezuela, is home to Venezuela’s Hezbollah contingent, Lebanese – Venezuelans. Sources believes that when foreign agents enter Isla Margarita, they sometimes take up temporary residence in Cuba.

Hezbollah has a significant increase and influence in South America as discussed by Jeffrey Goldberg, reporter-at-large for The New Yorker magazine who wrote did an interesting 2 – part article, “IN THE PARTY OF GOD.”

Perhaps you should go back and re-read part 2, about Hezbollah’s presence in the western hemisphere:  Hezbollah sets up operations in South America and the United States.

Liberal Democrats, watch out what you wish for. You have been bad mouthing President Bush for six years (since he spanked Gores ass in the 2000 election.  No GWB did not steal the election, he won it and you have not gotten over it.  As a matter of fact he came back four years later and spanked John “F” Kerry’s butt, too).

The world has failed to keep their eye on the ball when it comes to North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, and all the other freedom hating countries.  I believe that this world is going get interesting soon. Hope I am wrong, but, I doubt that I am wrong.

If I am right, Dhimmis tax will not work, this time.

Posted in anti-US, apologists and appeasers, Asia, Caliphate, Daily Briefing on Iran, Global Jihad, Hizbollah, Iran, Islamic revolution, Islamic Theologian, Islamist, Islamofascism, Jew hater, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Middle East, Middle East & Muslim World, Middle East Politics, Muslim, Muslim Religion, Persians, Religion, religious war, revolutionary guard, Social Engineering, South Asia, South Asia - Middle East | Leave a Comment »