The Bos\’un Locker

During times of war and during times of peace, we must prepare for tomorrow with the realities of today.

Archive for the ‘Politics/Debate’ Category

As heard on Rush, " Rank and file republicans "cooperate with Obama"

Posted by thebosun on January 23, 2009

Anyone part of the rank and file survey? 

Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) — Republican leaders’ efforts to select a new national party chairman are stirring concerns among a vital constituency: Republican voters.

Rank-and-file Republicans are telling their leaders they want more ethnic, gender and age diversity in a party that is dominated by white males. They also want party leaders to cooperate with President Barack Obama, according to surveys.

After losing the White House and 28 seats in Congress last year, some party leaders still aren’t hearing the message from voters who are urging them to claw their way back to power by promoting minorities and striking a less partisan tone, said Rich Bond, a former Republican National Committee chairman.

“We need a great deal more tolerance for the other guy’s point of view,” Bond said. “Not everybody comes from the same constituency as a majority-white homogenous district in the South where all people care about is keeping their guns and taxes.”

No wonder they lost. Bond is a ___________!

Posted in Opinions and Commentaries, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate | Leave a Comment »


Posted by thebosun on March 5, 2008

Courtesy of Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego 
March 5th, 2008


Sorry, folks!!!

The talk radio topic queen (otherwise known as Senator Hillary Clinton) isn’t dead… yet.

Or… is she?

Several conservative pundits are pushing for fellow right-wingers to vote for her. Perhaps they’re responsible for her win last night?

Who knows… Who cares?

It’s nothing more than a mere talking angle to generate gasps and attention…

Any conservative in their right mind knows that Hillary would be the most devastating of the three heavy players.

As you’ve been hearing, it was a great night for the She-Beast… it really was. After a double-digit losing streak she won three of the four states by wide margins on Super Tuesday 2.

And guess who else helped put her over the top in these states?

Hispanic voters. What a shocker. She sure did a lot of campaigning by the border… I wonder if all of them were legal?

Last I checked everyone (including identity-stealing illegal immigrants) do not have to show ID in primaries, or to vote at all.

Hillary, who will never mention a loss, couldn’t wait to rub her little bump in numbers into the face of fellow socialist Barrack Obama.

The Obama chant ‘yes we can’ has now been lifted– in a way– by Hillary. Last night she began chanting “Yes we will.” If Obama was as low (or at least, as desperate) as Hillary he would have begun shrieking cries of plagiarism immediately after her victory speech!

But I digress…

If you listened to the news coverage this morning you’d think that Hillary Clinton was the second coming… The ’second come-back kid,’ as the media has dubbed her…

The math, however, is NOT in her favor.

Several experts are saying that it doesn’t matter how well Hillary did last night, she could win the next 16 states in a row and would STILL lose the nomination.

They’re right.

Unless she casts the suspicious Clinton spell onto the precious superdelegates–or, if they suspiciously die as many who step in front of the Clinton freight train do– Obama already has the nod.

Comments posted at KFMB Rick Roberts Show»

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views of talk show host Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of The Bosun or any entity affiliated with Bosun’s blogs.

Posted in Clinton, Inc, Democrats and Republicans, Humor, International Con, Morning after, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, President Bush, Rants, walter mitty, Washington Politics | Leave a Comment »

Berkeley, Pacific Ocean

Posted by Rosemary Welch on February 2, 2008

The State of California proclaims, from here and foreto, Berkeley is no longer welcome, nor is it desired. Be it known forthwith that the following are no longer available to Berkeley: state and federal funds, MILITARY PROTECTION, civil rights, Constitutional protections, etc. The people of California have spoken at the voting box, and we have decided to cut Berkeley off of the land of this great nation and our great state. They shall be an island unto themselves. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Their new address shall be Berkeley, Pacific Ocean. They are not entitled to our zip code system, either.

This is in response to this:

From Matt Sanchez: On September 27th, 2007 Oakland International Airport officials denied 200 Marines from the 1st battalion 3rd Marines returning from Haditha access to food and the bathroom facilities within the airport.

Over three months later, a report on the incident was released:

The Oakland International Airport did not break any laws or regulations when it denied 200 Marines and soldiers access to the passenger terminal during a layover last year from Iraq to the troops’ home base in Hawaii, the Transportation Department says.

A Marine reported the incident to Rep. John L. Mica, Florida Republican and ranking member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and said it “felt like being spit on.”

Ya see, two can play that game. Federal monies shall dry up once enough of us raise our voices in the same amount of outrage that we did when we first heard of this dispicible incident. And there have been many others in the same vane. Please visit Move America Forward and Gathering of Eagles for further information on how to get involved against these atrocities. It does not matter whether or not you understand why there is a Jihad against us, it only matters that we band together now…while there is still time…

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Samantha Burns’ OTA:

The Crazy Rantings of Samantha Burns: OTA Weekend, Stix Blog, Pirate’s Cove: Coulter Says Would Not Vote For McCain. No Super Bowl Mention, The World According To Carl: Godly Wisdom — February 1, 2008, Woman Honor Thyself: Geert Wilders: Gives New Meaning to the Word: Hero, Church and State: AU Protests Value Voter Guide, Potbelly Stove: S.2248, Conservative Cat: Just a Reminder, Planck’s Constant: Smiling Bob, The Enzyte Scam, and Liberal Promises, Right Truth: Sneak peak at Super Bowl terror threat, Su. The Amboy Times, Su. Stageleft, Su. walls of the city, Wknd. Blue Star Chronicles, Wknd. Leaning Straight Up, Wknd. The Uncooperative Blogger, Wknd. Stuck On Stupid, Wknd. The Bullwinkle Blog, Wknd. 123beta (F, Wknd): Super Bowl Open Trackback Weekend, S. Point Five, S. 7 Deadly Sins, S. Steeljaw Scribe, S. Selective Amnesia, S. Case Notes from the Artsy Asylum, S. LyfLines, Su. InMuscatine, Su. Onemanbandwidth, Su. The Blazer Blog, Su. Miceland, Su. Where are my socks?, Su. Peakah’s Provocations, Su. Otimaster, Su. Grandinite, Su. Free Constitution, Su. Conservative Culture (Su, T), Su. – a metamorphoself, Su. The Dissentators (Su, M).

Posts I’ve trackbacked to at Linkfest and other sites:

Nuke Gingrich: Friday Nite Video Open Thread Linfest and WFFOT, Faultline USA: Conservatives Plan a Short Trip for McCain, Big Dog’s Weblog: All Suicide Bombers Are Mentally Retarded, Wolf Pangloss: Swift Hogs Friday Open Post and Trackbacks, Dumb Ox Daily News: Bob Novak: McCain Will Be the Nominee, Will Beat Hillary — Dumb Ox Exclusive, The Yankee Sailor: Weekend Open Post , Pirate’s Cove: TB Friday Featuring The Surrender Monkey: Obama, Clinton Still Live In Fantasy Land, Cao’s Blog: Friday OTB, Conservative Cat, The World According To Carl: Open Trackback Friday – February 1, 2008, Thanks to: Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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1. Stix Blog: Just to let you know.

Posted in anti-US, Department of Defense, honor, Military, Opinions and Commentaries, otb, Politics/Debate, support | 2 Comments »

Is Another Congressman Guilty of TREASON???

Posted by thebosun on October 19, 2007

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the Rick Roberts are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of The Bosun Locker or any entity affiliated with The Bosun.

Courtesy of  Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego
October 19th, 2007

Congressman Pete Stark is a liberal, democrat congressman from the Amsterdam of the United States: San Fran-sicko.


    “The Republicans are worried that we can’t pay for insuring an additional 10 million children. They sure don’t care about finding 200 billion dollars to fight the illegal war in Iraq. Where are you going to get that money? Are you going to tell us lies like you’re telling us today? Is that how you’re going to fund the war?

    You don’t have money to fund the war or children. But you’re going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president’s amusement.

    But the President Bush’s statements about children’s health shouldn’t be taken any more seriously than his lies about the war in Iraq. The truth is that Bush just likes to blow things up in Iraq, in the United States, and in Congress”.

Disgusting, is it not?

I am SICK AND TIRED of these corrupt politicians forgetting the vital, big-as-life fact that our brave military is an all-volunteer army.

Our men in uniform are a throwback to the brave souls that fought for our freedoms during WWII; they are a intelligent, strong, courageous, and selfless force.

A single soldier has more guts in their little finger than Stark, Durbin, Reid (and countless others) COMBINED.

But the democrats don’t see it that way. They see our nation’s military as a bunch of children strong-armed by evil conservatives to fight a nonexistent enemy.

I’M SICK OF IT!! Each and every one of these democrats- like Stark, like Reid, like Turban Durbin- need to STEP DOWN. They’re not worthy of leadership. We’re at war with a VERY REAL enemy. These officials need to be pulled away from their cushy executive chairs and thrown out in the middle of Fallujah without protection so that they can see what’s REALLY going on.

So you don’t believe there’s an enemy, Rep. Stark? You believe that our brave servicemen are having their “heads blown off” by a herd of President Bush clones in bed sheets? Because looking at the context of what you’re currently saying and what you’ve said in the past- that seems to be what you think!

But I digress…

Do you want to vent? Call Rep. Stark’s office. Give them a piece of your mind:


Or fax:


Email via web form HERE.

Or call his D.C. office at…


You can also fax his D.C. office:


Tell Stark that he does NOT represent the State of California. Tell Stark that he’s a DISGRACE to the United States of America and everything that it was founded on. Individuals like him do not deserve to be in the House. They deserve to be on a stake!!

Comments at Rick Roberts site »


Posted in anti-US, CENTCOM, Conservative Talk, Democrats and Republicans, Department of Defense, DoD, Domestic Politics, Dublicitous Democrats, duplicitous democrats, Economics and Politics, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Heroes, Iraq, Iraq War, Iraqi, Marines, Military, News, News and Information, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, real war, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego, U.S. Military, US Armed Forces, US News, US of A, USMC, War, War BLOGGING, World at War, World War III | 7 Comments »

Deciphering Progressive through their actions

Posted by thebosun on October 17, 2007

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the Rick Roberts are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of the The Bosun Locker or any entity affiliated with The Bosun.

Courtesy of Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego

October 17th, 2007

Let’s discuss the meaning of the word “PROGRESSIVE”. It’s a code word for “LIBERAL”. Leftists changed their moniker on purpose since the word “LIBERAL” holds such a negative connotation these days.

But I still want to explain the actual meaning of the word “PROGRESSIVE”… It’s the feeling you get, the ideas that pop in your head when you hear that word.

To me, “progressive” means to “MOVE FORWARD”. It has a very positive meaning.

So, tell me: When the progressives get together and decide to be so forward thinking that they hand out forms of birth control to middle school students and tout tax-funded “shooting centers” (AKA heroine houses) in San Francisco… explain to me how that’s positive. How is this kind of warped state of mind “PROGRESSIVE”?

How is letting people- children included- do whatever they want to do, setting no rules and guidelines that might one day save their lives or bring them a positive life instead of one wrought with problems- How is THAT progressive?

Since when did having morals become a radical, right-wing trait?

Since when did common sense become political?

Read this story:

    PORTLAND, ME: The Portland School Committee is poised to take up a proposal that would enable students at King Middle School to obtain birth-control prescriptions from the school’s health center. Under the plan scheduled for consideration, King would become the first middle school in Maine to make a full range of contraception available to students in grades 6 through 8, according to the state Department of Health and Human Services. King’s health center, which opened in 2000, already provides condoms as part of its reproductive health program. Prescription birth control, such as pills or patches, would be prescribed after a physical examination by a physician or nurse practitioner, said Lisa Belanger, who oversees Portland’s student health centers. The centers require that students have written parental permission before being treated. Under state law, students are allowed to seek confidential health care and decide whether to inform their parents about the services they receive. Most middle school students range in age from 11 to 13. Proponents of the proposal say a small number of King students are sexually active, but those who are need better access to birth control. Five of the 134 students who visited King’s health center during the 2006-07 school year reported having sexual intercourse, said Amanda Rowe, lead nurse in Portland’s school health centers. Rowe said that it is a service that is “totally needed”.

How is encouraging promiscuity in MIDDLE SCHOOLS a “PROGRESSIVE” ideal?! These kids are 11-14. They’re going to suffer a self-esteem downfall that naturally comes when they get raped at an early age. These are CHILDREN. They’re not old enough to consent.

Now, onto this story:

    SAN FRAN-SICKO, CA: The city is looking at something called “safe sites” that could reduce the harmful effects of drug use. The concept is so controversial that no other city in the United States has implemented the program. The main sponsor, the San Francisco Public Health Dept., will be holding an all-day symposium Thursday to discuss these so-called safe injection facilities. Twenty-seven cities in eight countries now have these sites. So far, there are none in the United States. Public health officials say Hepatitis C is reaching epidemic levels. The city hopes clean needle exchange is one way it can reduce harmful effects of drug use… “This city has declared states of emergency repeatedly in order to do the needle exchange and that’s been a very successful program,” says Grant Coffax with the San Francisco Public Health Department. Now the city is exploring another, perhaps more controversial approach. It’s something called “safe injection facilities.” It’s modeled after the only one in North America; currently in Candad. Adam Dean, an IV drug user, said that it saved his life… and it’s saved hundreds of lives since its inception. Adam Dean is a young IV user who goes to the only safe injection facility in the continent. The facility, called Insite, in in Vancouver, Canada. It’s in the city’s downtown east side which has one of the highest AIDS and Hepatitis C infection rates in the country. Demonstration video shows an addict coming to the clinic with heroin he’s bought on the streets, then shooting up with a nurse watching. He can then relax in the chill out room where he can talk with case workers if he wants. SF public health official Grant Colfax says the Vancouver model seems to be working: “There are data that support the approach in terms of reducing overdoses and actually reducing discarded needles around the parameter of these sites,” says a city official.

Is promoting and coddling drug use- and in this case, the shooting up of heroine, really “PROGRESSIVE”? Apparently! The progressives in San Francisco want to provide these derelicts a facility to kill themselves. How is this considered “PROGRESSIVE”??

Do you know what WOULD be progressive? If we took a step to take the needle out of that junkie’s hand and put them in rehab. (And NOT at the taxpayer’s expense, by the way. It’s not my fault that someone was weak-willed enough to throw their life away one needle at a time).

What’s so “right-wing” about setting someone on the right road? To me, THAT’S progressive. Progressive is to take a step forward, not aid in leaping backwards.

Why can’t these so-called “progressives” teach kids to wait until they’re a legal adult to have sex? Why are they so hell-bent on eliminating childhood yet perpetuating eternal immaturity by giving them the impression that big government will take care of them if they’re too apathetic to work and do their part in society when they ARE adults?

Do you know what WOULD be progressive? If we gave kids something higher- something moral- to reach up to.

What these progressives don’t seem to realize is that the best social program is a set of morals, a job, and a drug-free life.

Posted in Child Abuse, Child abuse and neglect, Child Protection, childrens rights, Civil Liberties, Clinton, Coffee and Conversation, Conservative Talk, Democrats and Republicans, Domestic Politics, Economics and Politics, Family, Family Protective Services, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego | Leave a Comment »

On The Spot: Should Congress Make Taxpayers Subsidize Columbia University?

Posted by thebosun on September 26, 2007

Congressman Huntercolumbia university Courtesy of

Rep. Duncan Hunter (Republican – California) on Monday threatened to cut off federal funding to Columbia University in New York City, which on Monday hosted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a speech and question-and-answer session with students.  (Iran, according to the State Department, is a state-sponsor of terrorism.)

“If the left-wing leaders of academia will not support our troops,” Hunter said in a statement, “they, in the very least, should not support our adversaries.”

Just why should the taxpayers subside Columbia University’s social agenda?   Since 1969, Columbia has banned military recruiters since 1969 and will not sanction a ROTC program.

Prior to the Vietnam War, Columbia cadets had peacefully coexisted with their classmates since the inception of ROTC in 1916. Columbia’s dedication to service was profound—at one point in its history the university was producing more officers per year than even the U.S. Naval Academy. In spite of Columbia’s military tradition, the administration expelled ROTC programs from campus in 1969 to appease student protesters and disgruntled faculty. When the war in Vietnam ended in 1975, students resumed their studies and the protests faded away. Columbia’s ban on ROTC, however, has remained to this day.  Source: Advocates for Columbia ROTC.

For the rest of the CNSNews story: On The Spot: Should Congress Make Taxpayers Subsidize Columbia University?

Duncan has already written a letter to Columbia University President Bollinger and releases a press release;

Press Release/Statement

For Immediate Release
September 22, 2007

CONTACT:  Joe Kasper
(202) 225-5672


Washington, D.C. – In a letter to Columbia University President Lee Bollinger, U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) today criticized the University for inviting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak to students and faculty this coming Monday, September 24th.

 “This leader of state, which supports terrorists, is presently sending deadly roadside bombs across the Iraqi border to injure and kill American troops,” said Hunter.  “Columbia University’s hosting of Ahmadinejad is a slap in the face of the 165,000 U.S. troops serving in Iraq.  As he speaks, his agents will be moving roadside bombs onto the battlefield to be used against America’s military men and women. 

 This event, following the slanderous advertisement by, depicting General Petraeus as “General Betray Us,” represents the emergence of the extreme left-wing of American politics. 

 Hunter concluded, “If this event takes place as scheduled, I intend to introduce legislation to cut-off Columbia University from every form of federal assistance.  If the left-wingers of academia will not support our troops, they, in the very least, should not support our adversaries.”

Please call, fax, and/or email your congressmen and congresswomen and express your outrage at taxpayer dollars subsiding a social agenda and undermining our military.

Use this link to: Contact Elected Representatives

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Posted in anti-US, apologists and appeasers, Branches of the Government, college, communistas, Congress, Constitutional issues, Daily Briefing on Iran, Democrats and Republicans, Department of Defense, Domestic Politics, Dublicitous Democrats, duplicitous democrats, Education, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Iran, Legislative Branch, Lenin, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Military, News, News and Information, North America, Persian gulf, Persians, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, ROTC, Social Engineering, U.S. Military, University, US Armed Forces, US News | 2 Comments »

Hoffa: Bush creating North American Union

Posted by thebosun on September 14, 2007


Courtesy of World Net Daily

Saying he is convinced “the Bush administration has a master plan to erase all borders and to have a super-government in North America,” James P. Hoffa, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, celebrated the Senate’s 75-23 vote Tuesday night to block the Department of Transportation’s Mexican truck demonstration project.

He noted the Senate seconded the House’s overwhelming 411-3 vote to pass the Safe Roads Act of 2007, a bill also targeted to block the Mexican truck project.

For the rest of the story at World Net Daily: Teamsters boss: Mexican trucks part of ‘master plan’ for ‘super-government’

Previous stories at World Net Daily:

China mega-port catalyst for NAFTA Superhighway

Canada preparing ports for NAFTA Superhighway

Canada preparing ports for NAFTA Superhighway

NAFTA Superhighway plans advance south

Superhighway a cash cow?

Name changed to hide ‘Superhighway’?

Bush doesn’t deny plans for N. American Union

The Nation cover story denies Superhighway

Military aid to Mexico on SPP summit agenda

3rd SPP summit shrouded in secrecy

Secret memo: One-world agenda dominates SPP summit

10,000 protesters expected at North America summit

Bill paves way for Canada’s ‘disappearance’

Protesters to converge on North America summit

Commerce chief pushes for ‘North American integration’

Idaho lawmakers want out of SPP

House resolution opposes North American Union

Residents of planned union to be ‘North Americanists’

Congressman battles North Americanization

North American Union leader says merger just crisis away

‘Bush doesn’t think America should be an actual place’

Mexico ambassador: We need N. American Union in 8 years

Congressman: Superhighway about North American Union

‘North American Union’ major ’08 issue?

Resolution seeks to head off union with Mexico, Canada

Documents reveal ‘shadow government’

Tancredo: Halt ‘Security and Prosperity Partnership’

North American Union threat gets attention of congressmen

Top U.S. official chaired N. American confab panel

N. American students trained for ‘merger’

North American confab ‘undermines’ democracy

Attendance list North American forum

North American Forum

Posted in apologists and appeasers, Branches of the Government, Coffee and Conversation, Congress, Constitutional issues, Democrats and Republicans, Domestic Politics, Economics and Politics, Executive Branch, Freedom, Illegal, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration shenanigans, International News, Legislative Branch, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, mexico, News, News and Information, North America, North America Partnership, North American Union, Opinions and Commentaries, Politics, Politics/Debate, President, President Bush, Social Engineering, U.S. Senate, US News, US of A, World News and Politics | Leave a Comment »

Ann Coulter rips em again: ‘Are liberals traitors? Or just stupid?’

Posted by thebosun on September 12, 2007

Even before his testimony was given, Democrats contended that Gen. David Petraeus’ report to Congress on the surge was a put-up job with a pre-ordained conclusion.  The Democrats in action organization,, ran a full page advertisement in the the New York Times proclaiming General Petraeus as a betrayer of America. 

Ann Coulter“If liberals are not traitors, their only fallback argument at this point is that they’re really stupid.” That’s how our take-no-prisoners commentator,  Ann Coulter, ends her new column today, after using the left’s own words to highlights their errors.

Coulter points out that “(d)emocrats yearn for America to be defeated on the battlefield and oppose any use of the military – except when they can find individual malcontents in the military willing to denounce the war and call for a humiliating retreat. ”

“After citing many pre-war concerns of pundits, Coulter notes: “We took Baghdad in about 17 days flat with amazingly few casualties. There were no al-Qaeda attacks in America, no attacks on Israel, no invasion by Turkey, no attacks on our troops with chemical weapons, no ayatollahs running Iraq. We didn’t turn our back on the Kurds. There were certainly not 100,000 dead American troops. …”

Continues Coulter: “Now our forces are killing lots of al-Qaeda jihadists, preventing another terrorist attack on U.S. soil, and giving democracy in Iraq a chance – and Democrats say we are ‘losing’ this war. I think that’s a direct quote from their leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, but it may have been the Osama bin Laden tape released this week. I always get those two confused.” 

Read Ann’s new column at From the halls of Malibu to the shores of Kennedy

Posted in ann coulter, anti-US, apologists and appeasers, Conservative Talk, Coulter, Democrats and Republicans, Domestic Politics, Dublicitous Democrats, duplicitous democrats, exclusive commentary, Iraq, Iraqi, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, Middle East, News, News and Information, Opinions and Commentaries, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, Social Engineering, socialism, Society, US News, Washington Politics, washington scandal, World Net Daily | 1 Comment »

Ann Coulter: RENO 911

Posted by thebosun on August 29, 2007

Ann Coulter: Dems want to relive their “glory years”

Here we go again, folks. Ann Coulter calls the shots like she sees them. By far, I believe that ANN is the best political referee going.

In today’s column, Ann Coulter writes (that) the Dems’ desire for a return of the “glory years” with former Attorney General Janet Reno. “There is reason to believe Reno is precisely the sort of attorney general that Hillary would nominate, since Reno was widely assumed to be Hillary’s pick at the time,” she writes. “As ABC News’ Chris Bury reported the day Reno was confirmed: ‘The search for an attorney general exemplifies Hillary Clinton’s circle of influence and its clout. … The attorney general-designate, Janet Reno, came to the president’s attention through Hillary Clinton’s brother, Hugh Rodham.'”

Coulter offers a simple tabulation of the accomplishments of Reno and former Attorneys General Alberto Gonzeles and John Ashcroft.

  • Civilians killed by Ashcroft: 0;
  • Civilians killed by Gonzales: 0;
  • Civilians killed by Reno: 80.

Read Ann Coulter’s latest column at World Net Daily: RENO 911

Posted in ann coulter, apologists and appeasers, Branches of the Government, Civil Liberties, Clinton, Coffee and Conversation, Courts and Constitution, Democrats and Republicans, Domestic Politics, Dublicitous Democrats, duplicitous democrats, exclusive commentary, Executive Branch, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, hillary clinton, Humor, Judicial, Judicial Branch, Law & Politics, Lenin, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Libs, North America, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, President, Rants, Social Engineering, socialism, Society, walter mitty, Writers | 4 Comments »

President Bush’s Weekly Radio Address: 8/25/2007

Posted by thebosun on August 25, 2007

President Bush’s Weekly Radio Address

President Bush addressed the nation this weekend in a radio message on terrorism and Iraq.

Fact sheet In Focus: Iraq

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week I traveled to Kansas City to address the annual convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. I spoke about the ideological struggle that our Nation faces in the 21st century, and the lessons we can draw from the advance of freedom in Asia in the 20th century. America’s enduring presence and perseverance on that continent aided the rise of democracy, helped transform American enemies into American allies, and made our country safer.

Next week I will address the members of the American Legion at their annual convention in Reno. In that speech, I will focus on the Middle East and why the rise of a free and democratic Iraq is critical to the future of this vital region and to our Nation’s security.

I will also provide an update on the developments we are seeing from our new strategy in Iraq. Every month since January, U.S. forces have killed or captured an average of more than 1,500 al Qaeda terrorists and other extremists. And in June our troops launched a surge of operations that is helping bring former Sunni insurgents into the fight against al Qaeda, clear the terrorists out of population centers, and give families in liberated Iraqi cities a safer and more normal life.

As security improves, more Iraqis are stepping forward to defend their democracy. Young Iraqi men are signing up for the army. Iraqi police are now patrolling the streets. Coalition and Iraqi forces have doubled the number of joint operations. As the Iraqi people feel more secure, they are also forming neighborhood watch groups. They’re volunteering important information about the terrorists and extremists hiding in their midst. And the increase in tips helps account for the marked reduction in sectarian murders.

By driving out the terrorists from cities and neighborhoods, we’re creating the conditions for reconciliation — especially at the local level. In communities across Iraq, citizens are seeing their local and provincial governments return to operation. Despite continuing violence, leaders in places like Anbar, Najaf, and Ninewah are now working through local provincial councils to approve funds to finance the rebuilding of homes and neighborhoods, to fight corruption, and to create new jobs.

Here at home, it can be easy to overlook the bravery shown by Iraqi troops and Iraqi civilians who are in the fight for freedom. But our troops on the ground see it every day. Last week, a team of American soldiers was meeting with an Iraqi citizens group near Baghdad. Suddenly, a suicide bomber came running around a corner and headed straight for our soldiers and the Iraqi civilians.

One Iraqi man saw what was happening and ran to intercept the bomber. As he pushed the terrorist away, the bomb detonated — killing both men, but sparing four American soldiers and eight Iraqi civilians. Army Staff Sergeant Sean Kane is one of those who says he owes his life to this brave Iraqi. Sergeant Kane says, “He could have run behind us or away from us, but he made the decision to sacrifice himself to protect everyone.” Sergeant Kane spoke to the Iraqi man’s father, who said that even if his son had known the outcome beforehand, he “[would not] have acted differently.”

The story does not end there. Later that same night, the citizens group contacted the local director of the National Police and told him the location of the al Qaeda cell believed to be responsible for the attack. The National Police immediately conducted a raid that resulted in four arrests.

We are still in the early stages of our new operations. But the success of the past couple of months have shown that conditions on the ground can change — and they are changing. We cannot expect the new strategy we are carrying out to bring success overnight. But by standing with the Iraqi people as they build their democracy, we will deliver a devastating blow to al Qaeda, we will help provide new hope for millions of people throughout the Middle East, we will gain a friend and ally in the war on terror, and we will make the American people safer.

Thank you for listening.

Posted in 'War on Terror', 9/11, Arabs, Asia, Branches of the Government, Democrats and Republicans, Domestic Politics, Executive Branch, Freedom, government agencies, Human Rights, Iraq, Iraq War, Middle East, Middle East & Muslim World, Middle East Politics, News and Information, Politics, Politics/Debate, President, President Bush, Presidential Press Releases, South Asia, US of A, Washington Politics | Leave a Comment »