The Bos\’un Locker

During times of war and during times of peace, we must prepare for tomorrow with the realities of today.

Archive for the ‘Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego’ Category

Is Another Congressman Guilty of TREASON???

Posted by thebosun on October 19, 2007

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the Rick Roberts are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of The Bosun Locker or any entity affiliated with The Bosun.

Courtesy of  Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego
October 19th, 2007

Congressman Pete Stark is a liberal, democrat congressman from the Amsterdam of the United States: San Fran-sicko.


    “The Republicans are worried that we can’t pay for insuring an additional 10 million children. They sure don’t care about finding 200 billion dollars to fight the illegal war in Iraq. Where are you going to get that money? Are you going to tell us lies like you’re telling us today? Is that how you’re going to fund the war?

    You don’t have money to fund the war or children. But you’re going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president’s amusement.

    But the President Bush’s statements about children’s health shouldn’t be taken any more seriously than his lies about the war in Iraq. The truth is that Bush just likes to blow things up in Iraq, in the United States, and in Congress”.

Disgusting, is it not?

I am SICK AND TIRED of these corrupt politicians forgetting the vital, big-as-life fact that our brave military is an all-volunteer army.

Our men in uniform are a throwback to the brave souls that fought for our freedoms during WWII; they are a intelligent, strong, courageous, and selfless force.

A single soldier has more guts in their little finger than Stark, Durbin, Reid (and countless others) COMBINED.

But the democrats don’t see it that way. They see our nation’s military as a bunch of children strong-armed by evil conservatives to fight a nonexistent enemy.

I’M SICK OF IT!! Each and every one of these democrats- like Stark, like Reid, like Turban Durbin- need to STEP DOWN. They’re not worthy of leadership. We’re at war with a VERY REAL enemy. These officials need to be pulled away from their cushy executive chairs and thrown out in the middle of Fallujah without protection so that they can see what’s REALLY going on.

So you don’t believe there’s an enemy, Rep. Stark? You believe that our brave servicemen are having their “heads blown off” by a herd of President Bush clones in bed sheets? Because looking at the context of what you’re currently saying and what you’ve said in the past- that seems to be what you think!

But I digress…

Do you want to vent? Call Rep. Stark’s office. Give them a piece of your mind:


Or fax:


Email via web form HERE.

Or call his D.C. office at…


You can also fax his D.C. office:


Tell Stark that he does NOT represent the State of California. Tell Stark that he’s a DISGRACE to the United States of America and everything that it was founded on. Individuals like him do not deserve to be in the House. They deserve to be on a stake!!

Comments at Rick Roberts site »


Posted in anti-US, CENTCOM, Conservative Talk, Democrats and Republicans, Department of Defense, DoD, Domestic Politics, Dublicitous Democrats, duplicitous democrats, Economics and Politics, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Heroes, Iraq, Iraq War, Iraqi, Marines, Military, News, News and Information, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, real war, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego, U.S. Military, US Armed Forces, US News, US of A, USMC, War, War BLOGGING, World at War, World War III | 7 Comments »

Deciphering Progressive through their actions

Posted by thebosun on October 17, 2007

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the Rick Roberts are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of the The Bosun Locker or any entity affiliated with The Bosun.

Courtesy of Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego

October 17th, 2007

Let’s discuss the meaning of the word “PROGRESSIVE”. It’s a code word for “LIBERAL”. Leftists changed their moniker on purpose since the word “LIBERAL” holds such a negative connotation these days.

But I still want to explain the actual meaning of the word “PROGRESSIVE”… It’s the feeling you get, the ideas that pop in your head when you hear that word.

To me, “progressive” means to “MOVE FORWARD”. It has a very positive meaning.

So, tell me: When the progressives get together and decide to be so forward thinking that they hand out forms of birth control to middle school students and tout tax-funded “shooting centers” (AKA heroine houses) in San Francisco… explain to me how that’s positive. How is this kind of warped state of mind “PROGRESSIVE”?

How is letting people- children included- do whatever they want to do, setting no rules and guidelines that might one day save their lives or bring them a positive life instead of one wrought with problems- How is THAT progressive?

Since when did having morals become a radical, right-wing trait?

Since when did common sense become political?

Read this story:

    PORTLAND, ME: The Portland School Committee is poised to take up a proposal that would enable students at King Middle School to obtain birth-control prescriptions from the school’s health center. Under the plan scheduled for consideration, King would become the first middle school in Maine to make a full range of contraception available to students in grades 6 through 8, according to the state Department of Health and Human Services. King’s health center, which opened in 2000, already provides condoms as part of its reproductive health program. Prescription birth control, such as pills or patches, would be prescribed after a physical examination by a physician or nurse practitioner, said Lisa Belanger, who oversees Portland’s student health centers. The centers require that students have written parental permission before being treated. Under state law, students are allowed to seek confidential health care and decide whether to inform their parents about the services they receive. Most middle school students range in age from 11 to 13. Proponents of the proposal say a small number of King students are sexually active, but those who are need better access to birth control. Five of the 134 students who visited King’s health center during the 2006-07 school year reported having sexual intercourse, said Amanda Rowe, lead nurse in Portland’s school health centers. Rowe said that it is a service that is “totally needed”.

How is encouraging promiscuity in MIDDLE SCHOOLS a “PROGRESSIVE” ideal?! These kids are 11-14. They’re going to suffer a self-esteem downfall that naturally comes when they get raped at an early age. These are CHILDREN. They’re not old enough to consent.

Now, onto this story:

    SAN FRAN-SICKO, CA: The city is looking at something called “safe sites” that could reduce the harmful effects of drug use. The concept is so controversial that no other city in the United States has implemented the program. The main sponsor, the San Francisco Public Health Dept., will be holding an all-day symposium Thursday to discuss these so-called safe injection facilities. Twenty-seven cities in eight countries now have these sites. So far, there are none in the United States. Public health officials say Hepatitis C is reaching epidemic levels. The city hopes clean needle exchange is one way it can reduce harmful effects of drug use… “This city has declared states of emergency repeatedly in order to do the needle exchange and that’s been a very successful program,” says Grant Coffax with the San Francisco Public Health Department. Now the city is exploring another, perhaps more controversial approach. It’s something called “safe injection facilities.” It’s modeled after the only one in North America; currently in Candad. Adam Dean, an IV drug user, said that it saved his life… and it’s saved hundreds of lives since its inception. Adam Dean is a young IV user who goes to the only safe injection facility in the continent. The facility, called Insite, in in Vancouver, Canada. It’s in the city’s downtown east side which has one of the highest AIDS and Hepatitis C infection rates in the country. Demonstration video shows an addict coming to the clinic with heroin he’s bought on the streets, then shooting up with a nurse watching. He can then relax in the chill out room where he can talk with case workers if he wants. SF public health official Grant Colfax says the Vancouver model seems to be working: “There are data that support the approach in terms of reducing overdoses and actually reducing discarded needles around the parameter of these sites,” says a city official.

Is promoting and coddling drug use- and in this case, the shooting up of heroine, really “PROGRESSIVE”? Apparently! The progressives in San Francisco want to provide these derelicts a facility to kill themselves. How is this considered “PROGRESSIVE”??

Do you know what WOULD be progressive? If we took a step to take the needle out of that junkie’s hand and put them in rehab. (And NOT at the taxpayer’s expense, by the way. It’s not my fault that someone was weak-willed enough to throw their life away one needle at a time).

What’s so “right-wing” about setting someone on the right road? To me, THAT’S progressive. Progressive is to take a step forward, not aid in leaping backwards.

Why can’t these so-called “progressives” teach kids to wait until they’re a legal adult to have sex? Why are they so hell-bent on eliminating childhood yet perpetuating eternal immaturity by giving them the impression that big government will take care of them if they’re too apathetic to work and do their part in society when they ARE adults?

Do you know what WOULD be progressive? If we gave kids something higher- something moral- to reach up to.

What these progressives don’t seem to realize is that the best social program is a set of morals, a job, and a drug-free life.

Posted in Child Abuse, Child abuse and neglect, Child Protection, childrens rights, Civil Liberties, Clinton, Coffee and Conversation, Conservative Talk, Democrats and Republicans, Domestic Politics, Economics and Politics, Family, Family Protective Services, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego | Leave a Comment »

I Want My Country Back

Posted by thebosun on September 15, 2007


“I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!”- By Rick Roberts 
By Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego


Here is Rick Robert’s “I want my country back” rant. Rick has given exclusive permission to to post it on every blog you read, and e-mail it to every friend you have. If you would like to listen to it, CLICK HERE. _________________________


I don’t mean to go off on a rant here, but here’s the bottom line, I want my country back.

I want my kids to be able to walk to the store or walk to school without being abducted by some 3-time convicted child molester. And the politically correct powers that be in this country just can’t seem to get over themselves with “CAN’T WE JUST HELP THIS PERSON!” No! You can’t. But they’re let loose to prey on more children.

I want my kids back. I want my country back.

I don’t agree with everything this President does. I’ve never agreed with anything 100% that any President has done or said.

You know, I was very young during the Vietnam War. So I probably missed that thing by a hair. I don’t know whether I would have agreed with that or not at the time. I was too stupid to have an opinion at that point and time even though I thought I did.

I want my country back.

I want some semblance of respect for authority, whether I agree with it all or not.

I want the Boy Scouts to be “boy” scouts, not boy and “we think she’s a girl” scouts. I want Girl Scouts to be “girl” scouts not Girl Scouts and “Bruce.”

I want my country back.

I want to be able to wake up in the morning knowing that I can walk outside without some gang-banger on parole taking my life.

Or being able to go down and purchase a car without having to worry about you know 90% of the parts being made overseas in some sweatshop.

I want my politicians, when they finally do get my vote, to do what the hell they said they were going to do in the first place.

I want the Abramoff’s of the world to be labeled what they…nothing more than organized crime in a better suit.

I want the Hollywood elite to make movies to entertain me. Not use their celebrity to sway me politically one way or the other.

Quite honestly, if you’re a has-been-pseudo-celebrity I want you to go away quietly, so that I can remember you fondly through your “artiste work” that’s left in the archives.

I want people to say something and when they say something look at me in the eye. And mean what they say. Not say what they think I want to hear. And then do what they want to later politically or any other way.

I want to be able to go out and work and make a decent wage and buy a home. Half the people that are listening to me right now can’t even afford to buy a house unless they’re working three jobs.

And I want America to be America. All of those opportunities, all of those things that made her great, I want those returned to the forefront. If you want to come to this country we welcome you with open arms. We simply ask that you abide by our laws. I don’t want you to snub your nose at our laws, then take advantage of our opportunities, and then cling to the constitution most of which you can’t even read because you don’t speak the language.

I want us to secure our borders because the country is worth securing. The people that live here are worth protecting.

I want my country back. I want my children back.

I want some semblance of what this country used to be.

It’s worth protecting. It’s worth defending.

I don’t recognize this country anymore.

Not politically, not philosophically, not spiritually.

Whether you like it or whether you don’t God was a part of building this great nation. To remove him is to take away the very foundation of what this country was all about.

I don’t care about your political correctness!

I don’t want to know your sexual preference!

I could care less about all of that. Stop making it the headline of the day!

That’s not America.

I want my country back!

And the only way I’m ever going to be able to get this country back is if I reach out to the brothers and the sisters that all feel the same way and we say “Hell No! You can’t have our country.”

It’s not for sale! Take the price tag off this country!

Take the price tag off the heads of our children!

Stop it already!

The politically-correct-psychobabble-hug-a-tree-experts ; You are not qualified to release sex offenders back into our neighborhoods.

The southern border, more than any other border, needs to be secured tomorrow. For all those that wish to come to this country to take advantage of her opportunity, to live under a constitution a living document that breathes in and out just like you do, this country is not for sale.

I should know. I’m one of the owners. You can’t sell it without my permission.

I want my country back!

Posted in apologists and appeasers, Branches of the Government, Child abuse and neglect, Child Protection, Complaints, Congress, Conservative Talk, Courts & the ACLU, Courts and Constitution, Crime, Crime and Justice, Democrats and Republicans, Domestic Politics, Executive Branch, Family, Family Protective Services, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Judicial, Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Liberalism, Libs, North America, Opinions and Commentaries, Pediphile, Pedophile, Pedophile Crimes, Pedophiles, Police & Law Enforcement, Political Pundit, Politics, President, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego, Social Engineering, U.S. Senate, US of A | 2 Comments »

Mexican Truckers are now here, Where is the Mainstream Media?

Posted by thebosun on September 5, 2007

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the Rick Roberts is not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of the Bosun Locker or any entity affiliated with the Bosun.


Courtesy of Rick Roberts, 760 KFMB AM San Diego 
September 5th, 2007

Get ready… Mexican truckers are hitting American streets starting this Thursday. Yes, President Bush finally got his way.

The President didn’t succeed with amnesty – so instead, he is trying to piecemeal the “selling out of this country” through ways that the lamestream media will not pick up… or just don’t care about.

Are there safety standards for these Mexican trucks?

Well, loose ones at best…

The Mexican drivers are supposed to speak English.

Will they? No.

The cargo is supposed to be check for drugs and illegals.

Will it all be caught? Hell No!!

I’m sure the safety standards and other regulations will be enforced on our nation’s highways, much like the laws are enforced against illegal aliens in our sanctuary city.

…sort of a “don’t ask, don’t tell” free pass, with certain privileges that U.S. citizens don’t get.

The trucks from Mexico won’t be held to the same standards as ours.

The drivers from Mexico won’t be held to the same standards as ours, either.

The trucks provide an outlet for drug lords to smuggle narcotics.

They also provide yet another outlet for coyotes…

Not to mention the potential for yet another drunk illegal alien…

OH! And lets not forget the loss of more American jobs.

But I guess being a truck driver is now just another job that Americans don’t want to do… Right, El Presidente Bush?

It’s just a bad idea all the way around.

The cons outweigh the pros… But you’ll never get the Bush administration or the department of Transportation to admit it.

You will never get them to fess up to the fact that they cannot keep track of every single truck from Mexico.

So, get ready America… Your border is now open for the Mexican trucker, and all that he hauls.

Comments at Ricks Blog, 760 AM, KFMB San Diego

Posted in Border Protection, Branches of the Government, Conservative Talk, Department of Homeland Security, Executive Branch, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Illegal, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration shenanigans, mexico, National Security, President, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego, Security matters | Leave a Comment »

Posted by thebosun on June 5, 2007

Courtesy of the Rick Roberts Show

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the Rick Roberts Show are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of The Bosun Locker or any entity affiliated with Bosun.


Since when did Arizona become a state full of liberal mouthpiece Republicans-in-name-only politicians?

We have already established a long time ago that California is FULL of malcontent hippie elected officials…

But who ever thought that a conservative, Western state would be the leader of the selling-out of our nation?

Three of the bill’s architects are from this desert state: Senator and Presidential candidate John McCain, Senator Jon Kyl, and Congressman Jeff Flake.

These men take groups like La Raza seriously. So much so that they invited this radical group– along with other illegal alien groups– into bill negotiations.

Imagine that… these guys, including our own senators, will take La Raza seriously… but not you.


If he pulls his support for the bill over a “killer” amendment, Jon Kyl said, he will be accused of succumbing to right-wing threats, and he is not sure he can persuade enough colleagues to bolt with him. HMMM… “RIGHT-WING THREATS.” DO YOU, MR. TED KENNEDY MOUTHPIECE, NOT MEAN YOUR OWN REPUBLICAN CONSTITUENCY?

Hmmm… Why don’t you call him? give Jon Kyl a piece of your mind… Remind him that he represents the AMERICAN people- NOT the people of every other country BUT America
WASHINGTON D.C.: Phone: (202) 224-4521, Fax: (202) 224-2207
PHOENIX: Phone: (602) 840-1891, Fax: (602) 957-6838
TUCSON: Phone: (520) 575-8633, Fax: (520) 797-3232

Or drop him an email at

Then, you have John McCain: “the President knows about immigration, he spent eight years as governor of Texas,” McCain told the AP. “The Republican Party must address this issue, [regarding immigration] if, in my part of the country, we expect to attract Hispanic voters.”



Here are some more things that will set your hair on fire… Most of this is McCain… (Click here to listen to the audio.)

McCain didn’t just shoot his campaign in the foot… he shot it in the stomach. Call him and let him know it.
WASHINGTON D.C.: Phone: (202) 224-2235, Fax: (202) 228-2862
PHOENIX: Phone: (602) 952-2410, Fax: (602) 952-8702
TEMPE: Phone: (480) 897-6289, Fax: (480) 897-8389
TUCSON: Phone: (520) 670-6334, Fax: (520) 670-6637
CAMPAIGN OFFICES: (703) 418-2008

Or email him at

“You just have to recognize you will get 300 calls, you’ll get conflicts at town hall meetings — all of them negative,” said Rep. Jeff Flake. “The last few days have really turned things around.”

Hmmm… Why don’t you call him as well? Give Jeff Flake a piece of your mind… Tell him his sell-out bill hasn’t exactly been forgotten!!
WASHINGTON D.C.: (202) 225-2635, Fax: (202) 226-4386
MESA: Phone: (480) 833-0092, Fax: (480) 833-6314
PRESS SECRETARY: 202-225-3487

Or you can email him at


There are 30 amendments ready to be discussed– part of these amendments are being pushed by La Raza. Keep on piling on the phone calls.


But this is what America gets… for taking its eye off the ball. For not caring to vote… for not caring to partake in their civil duties… and for not speaking out earlier.

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” …why does this no longer exist in the hearts of Americans?

You can Comment Directly to Rick Roberts KFMB San Diego Here»

Posted in 'War on Terror', apologists and appeasers, Coffee and Conversation, Congress, Congressional Pork, Domestic Politics, Domestic Terrorism, Dublicitous Democrats, duplicitous democrats, Economics and Politics, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Law & Politics, Legislative Branch, News, North America, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego, U.S. Senate, US News, walter mitty, Washington Politics | Leave a Comment »

North America Union

Posted by thebosun on June 2, 2007

By Rick Roberts,KFMB 760AM San Diego 
June 1st, 2007


We had Dr. Jerome Corsi of WorldNetDaily and on our show this morning to discuss some VERY vital issues, including the NASCO super highway.

Here is what we discussed:

Southern border blurs for global trade

Superhighway a ‘crazy conspiracy theory’?

Bush’s detention facilities

Dr. Corsi touches on countless key issues that lamestream media journalists wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole.

You can listen to Rick Roberts’ interview by clicking here.

Sadly, these issues are not conspiracy theories. They are what we face as a nation if we don’t fight.

Dr. Jerome Corsi received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in Political Science in 1972. He has written many books including “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry” (along with John O’Neill), “Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil” (along with Craig R. Smith), “Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians,” “Minutemen: The Battle to Secure America’s Borders,” and most recently, “The Late Great U.S.A.: The Coming Merger With Canada and Mexico.” He is also an expert on political violence and terrorism. In 1981, he received a Top Secret clearance from the Agency for International Development, where he assisted in providing anti-terrorism/hostage survival training to embassy personnel.

Link to Comments at KFMB »

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Posted in apologists and appeasers, Border Protection, Branches of the Government, Canada, Civil Liberties, Coffee and Conversation, Constitutional issues, Courts and Constitution, Democrats and Republicans, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, Dublicitous Democrats, Economics and Politics, exclusive commentary, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, government agencies, Illegal, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration shenanigans, International Con, International News, Lenin, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Libs, National Security, News, North America, Opinions and Commentaries, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, President, Presidential Press Releases, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego, Schemes & Scams, Security matters, walter mitty, World Net Daily, World News and Politics | Leave a Comment »

America’s Distractions, Recall Possibilities, & the Nation’s Disintegration

Posted by thebosun on May 23, 2007

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the Rick Roberts is not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of The Bosun Locker or any entity affiliated with Bosun.

Many have requested a transcript of Rick Roberts’ I Want My Country Backrant. You can view Rick’s KFMB AM blog entry by CLICKING HERE.  Rick has give carte blanc permission to post it on every blog you read, and e-mail it to every friend you have. If you would like to listen to Rick’s radio replay of “I Want My Country Back” , CLICK HERE.

Courtesy of Rick Roberts, KFMB AM San Diego 
May 23rd, 2007


MANY OF YOU have been emailing and calling your elected officials: And it IS making a difference.

They’re starting to gripe… They’re beginning to teeter…


And to all of you bitching and moaning about “Oh, well Rick, that’s all you’ve been talking about for the past few days.”

I broadcast for five hours a day five days a week- I DO talk about other news and issues of that day, but there’s no way in hell I’m going to skip this topic of the amnesty bill when our country is bordering on going to Hell in a hand basket.

What else do you want to talk about???

How about what the rest of America is talking about: Spoiled B-Rate Hollywood starlets, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars…

Does any of this sound interesting to you??

Our nation is disintegrating before our very eyes and your average adult- especially those under the age of 30- is always quick to tell you what Britney’s doing with her hair… who divorced who… Or even their American Idol voting record…

And yet they probably couldn’t tell you the first thing about the very people that RUN OUR COUNTRY.

Most of these people aren’t even registered to vote!!


Because of this aloofness we had an onslaught of liberal and so-called “conservative” (insert sarcasm) politicians that snuck behind our backs in an attempt to reward and give special benefits to law breakers.

Not that it was the first time this kind of thing happened…

I’m NOT saying that the American people should stop doing fun and frivolous things in their free time.

I AM saying that the American people has to realize that celebrities, reality shows and other silly things should NOT become YOUR reality.

At least take the time out in your day, when the rare opportunity comes up, to do your civil duties as an American. Just vote… And know WHO you’re voting for.

We as a nation MUST become proactive.

We’ve got border patrol agents in jail for doing their job.

We’ve got a globalist as a President wanting our country to morph into a Canada-Mexico-conglomerate.

We’re being lied to left and right by our representatives.

So why are we concerned about are what your average cocaine-sniffing, plastic surgery-loving Hollywood starlet is up to?

But I digress…

In the meantime, here is some food for thought:

Want to know how to recall an elected official?

(Only) eighteen states permit the recall of state officials…

New Jersey
North Dakota
Rhode Island
Washington, D.C.

(Recall actions in both the House and the Senate are justified in cases of perceived disloyalty to the United States, or the conviction of a criminal statutory offense which involved abuse of one’s official position.)

* In these states, the recall ballot consists of a list of candidates for the office held by the person against whom the recall petition was filed. The name of the officer against whom the recall was filed may appear on the ballot for reelection. * In these states, the recall ballot consists of two parts. The first asks whether the officer against whom the recall petition was filed should be recalled. The second part consists of a list of candidates who have qualified for the election. The name of the officer against whom the recall petition was filed may not appear on this list.

* The individual charged must receive written notification of the specific charges outlined in the motion to initiate recall against said individual within one day of the motion and at least seven days prior to the meeting at which the hearing will take place.

* All Senators and officers shall be notified at the same time the individual being recalled is accused.

* The recall process is similar to that for initiatives in that citizen petitions are required. The number of signatures necessary to qualify a recall petition is just higher.

* The governor then appoints a successor who must be a member of the same political party as the officeholder recalled, and must be selected from a list submitted by a committee of the political party of the person recalled.

* The signature requirements are high: 25 percent in nine states; 25 percent for statewide offices and 35 percent for legislators in Washington; one-third in Louisiana; and 40 percent in Kansas. California’s requirements are 12 percent for statewide offices; 20 percent for legislators and appellate judges. Georgia requires 15 percent for statewide offices; 30 percent for all others. Idaho’s requirement is 20 percent for all offices. Montana has the lowest number of required signatures – 10 percent for statewide officials and 15 percent for state district offices such as legislative districts.


Link to Rick Roberts KFMB Comments, make your opinion known »

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Posted in anti-US, apologists and appeasers, Illegal, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration shenanigans, International Con, International News, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego, washington scandal | Leave a Comment »

Harry Reid, the war is lost

Posted by thebosun on April 20, 2007

Courtesy of Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the Rick Roberts Show is not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of The Bosun Locker or any entity affiliated with Bosun.
April 20th, 2007

What kind of message is Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader of the United States of America, sending terrorists when he says the following:

    “I believe that this war is lost. And this surge is not accomplishing anything.”

Who do you think that encourages? I’ll tell you who it encourages. It encourages Ahmed G. al-Qaeda in his cave who receives the word via courier pigeon. He was probably pretty down since his ass is being kicked by our military, but once he finds out that our politicians are revisiting the Vietnam era mentality, boy, I’m sure that puts the spur right back into his boot!

Do you really think this helps America, “SENATOR” Reid? Do you really think there’s ANY legit reason WHATSOEVER that he espoused this BULL CRAP?

Reid is one of the most powerful people in our country. He should watch his mouth.

If a talk show host can be fired for one racist slip, a politician should be ousted for a treasonous quip.

You know, the last I checked, Mr. REID, our American flag was still flying high. Last I checked, we weren’t flying the Caliphate flag of the Islamic State! I’m pretty damn sure our brave men FIGHTING in HARM’S WAY for your ability to say such moronic things are NOT convinced that they’re VOLUNTEERING to fight a war that we have already lost.


Once upon a time we used to enforce laws of treason in this country. “Senator” Harry Reid is a pretty damn good reason why we should start enacting those laws once again.

This is NOT how a representative of our nation protects a nation’s sovereignty and security– This is NOT how you win a war.

In my opinion, he’s no better than John Walker Lindh. SLAP THAT TURBAN ON YOUR HEAD AND GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS COUNTRY, REID!!!

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Posted in Academia, apologists and appeasers, Branches of the Government, Congress, Democrats and Republicans, Domestic Politics, Dublicitous Democrats, Give war a chance, Global Jihad, International Con, International News, Iraq, Islamic revolution, Islamic Theologian, Islamist, Islamofascism, Lenin, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Libs, Middle East, Middle East Politics, Muslim, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, real war, Religious Freedom, religious war, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego | Leave a Comment »

Why Bring more Crime to this Country?

Posted by thebosun on April 11, 2007

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the Rick Roberts Blog are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of The Bosun Locker blog or any entity affiliated with Bosun.

Hundreds of you have requested a transcript of the I Want My Country Backrant. You can get to Rick Roberts’ blog entry by CLICKING HERE. Rick has offered for you to post I Want My Country Back on every blog you read, and e-mail it to every friend you have. Rick has also conveniently made a podcast of his rant available for you would like to listen to it, CLICK HERE.

Originally posted at KFMB AM Radio San Diego By Rick Roberts
April 10th, 2007

El Presidente Buuuush visited Pima County yesterday to talk about his immigration plans.

He was at the opening of a new border patrol station…


It’s odd, I heard no mention of the border patrol agents unfairly prosecuted by “loyal Bushie” Johnny Sutton… No mention of the pardoning of BP agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. But I digress…

The President reiterated his belief that millions of new guest workers are needed to “do jobs Americans aren’t doing.”

Bush is quick to brag about Mexico importing their “talents and culture” into the U.S., but what you do not hear about is one of their highest importations: Crime.

A century ago it was the thing to migrate the legal way, to assimilate, to respect America… Such thing is now long gone, and now we edge closer and closer to imploding and eroding as a nation.

A couple Fridays ago, drunk illegal alien from Mexico, Alfredo Ramos, was speeding down Virginia Beach Boulevard in Virginia when he plowed into the rear of a 1994 Plymouth belonging to Allison Kunhardt, 17.

She was driving with her best friend, Tessa Tranchant, 16. Allison’s car was stopped at a red light.

Both were killed. One of the girls died at the scene. The other girl died shortly after she arrived at the hospital.

Both were wearing seatbelts.

Both were pinned in the wreckage and had to be cut free before paramedics could tend them.

Alfredo Ramos was working at a Mexican restaurant, Mi Casita… (You know, one of those jobs that “Americans won’t do.) He speaks NO English. He had three prior drunk driving convictions, including other crimes such as identity theft. His last DUI was only late last year. He was given a 90 day suspended sentence, fined $250, had his drivers’ license suspended… But court documents revealed that Ramos didn’t actually have a valid driver’s license; had actually paid $200 for a fake one. Because the two girls were killed in the sanctuary city of Virginia Beach, Alfredo Ramos was allowed to walk.

Hmmm… that restaurant that Ramos was working at… Don’t you think that if we actually enforced the law, in that perfect world that both parties are oblivious to, that piece of scum would be in his nation of origin and one of those girls could have been working the position that Alfredo Ramos was… Teenage employment is low, illegal alien employment is high. How dumb are our politicians??

Then we have local child molester, Juan Villalobos, 54…

An illegal alien, previously deported, wormed his way through our borders once more to commit a crime far worse than trespassing and stealing our resources and sovereignty…

He stole the innocence of three girls in their San Carlos home just over a year ago.

All three were relatives.

Villalobos was arrested yesterday evening at the Old Town trolley station.

We already have crime in this country. We don’t need more of it imported from other countries…

We ESPECIALLY don’t need it imported from a third world country.


Link to KFMB San Diego comments through this link: 21 Comments »

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Posted in apologists and appeasers, Arizona Living, Border Protection, Branches of the Government, Civil Liberties, Coffee and Conversation, Congress, Constitutional issues, Department of Homeland Security, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Homeland Security Press Releases, Identity Theft, Illegal, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration shenanigans, Latin/South America, Law & Politics, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Libs, News, North America, Opinions and Commentaries, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, President, Presidential Press Releases, Rants, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego, scam artists, Scams, Scandals, Schemes & Scams, Security matters, Social Engineering, Society, South America, US News, World News and Politics | Leave a Comment »

Justice alleged to block Ramos Compean reports

Posted by thebosun on February 28, 2007

Courtesy of WorldNetDaily

Justice tries to block Ramos-Compean reports
Department warns congressman not to release incriminating documents

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.

Rep. Rohrabacher, R-Calif., received a phone call this morning from the Justice Department urging him not to release Drug Enforcement Agency investigative reports that confirm a previous WND story presenting evidence the drug smuggler given immunity to testify against border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean was involved in a second smuggling incident. Rohrabacher’s spokeswoman, Tara Setmeyer, told WND the Justice Department phone call was “polite, but still firm.”

For the rest of the story: Department warns congressman not to release incriminating documents


Posted in apologists and appeasers, Arizona Living, Border Protection, Branches of the Government, Civil Liberties, Coffee and Conversation, Congress, Constitutional issues, Courts & the ACLU, Courts and Constitution, Crime, Crime and Justice, Defense, Democrats and Republicans, Department of Homeland Security, Domestic Politics, Fraud, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, government agencies, Homeland Security Press Releases, Illegal, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration shenanigans, International Con, International News, Judicial Branch, Justice Department, Latin America, Latin/South America, Law & Politics, Legislative Branch, Lenin, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Libs, News, North America, Police & Law Enforcement, Political Prisoners, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego, scam artists, Scams, Scandals, Schemes & Scams, Social Engineering, Society, South America, Spanish Lottery, US News, walter mitty, washington scandal, World Net Daily, World News and Politics | 1 Comment »