The Bos\’un Locker

During times of war and during times of peace, we must prepare for tomorrow with the realities of today.

Archive for the ‘Law & Politics’ Category

FBI Violent Gang Taskforce

Posted by thebosun on October 10, 2007


 About 30,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs with approximately 800,000 members operate in the U.S. today. Many are sophisticated and well organized; all use violence to control neighborhoods and boost their illegal money-making activities, which include drug trafficking, robbery, theft, fraud, extortion, prostitution rings, and gun trafficking. Here, you’ll find more on the threats posed by gangs, on how you can help spot and prevent gang activity, and on how we’re redoubling our efforts to disrupt and dismantle them through intelligence-driven investigations and new initiatives and partnerships.

Other Resources

MS-13 National Gang Task Force

 Based at FBI headquarters, the MS-13 National Gang Task Force combines the expertise, resources, and jurisdiction of federal agencies that investigate this violent international street gang. It focuses on maximizing the flow of information and intelligence, coordinating investigations, and helping state and local law enforcement improve operations and prosecutions targeting MS-13. The task force can be reached by calling (202) 324-5340.

National Gang Intelligence Center

To help curb the growth of gangs and related criminal activity, the FBI spearheaded the creation of the National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) in 2005. A multi-agency effort, the NGIC integrates gang intelligence from across federal, state, and local law enforcement on the growth, migration, criminal activity, and association of gangs that pose a significant threat to the U.S. Its mission is to support law enforcement by sharing timely and accurate information and by providing strategic/tactical analysis of intelligence.

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Posted in Capital Crimes, Crime, FBI, government agencies, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration shenanigans, International Con, International News, Law & Politics, News, News and Information, North America, Police & Law Enforcement, Uncategorized, US News, US of A, World News and Politics | Leave a Comment »

Ann Coulter: RENO 911

Posted by thebosun on August 29, 2007

Ann Coulter: Dems want to relive their “glory years”

Here we go again, folks. Ann Coulter calls the shots like she sees them. By far, I believe that ANN is the best political referee going.

In today’s column, Ann Coulter writes (that) the Dems’ desire for a return of the “glory years” with former Attorney General Janet Reno. “There is reason to believe Reno is precisely the sort of attorney general that Hillary would nominate, since Reno was widely assumed to be Hillary’s pick at the time,” she writes. “As ABC News’ Chris Bury reported the day Reno was confirmed: ‘The search for an attorney general exemplifies Hillary Clinton’s circle of influence and its clout. … The attorney general-designate, Janet Reno, came to the president’s attention through Hillary Clinton’s brother, Hugh Rodham.'”

Coulter offers a simple tabulation of the accomplishments of Reno and former Attorneys General Alberto Gonzeles and John Ashcroft.

  • Civilians killed by Ashcroft: 0;
  • Civilians killed by Gonzales: 0;
  • Civilians killed by Reno: 80.

Read Ann Coulter’s latest column at World Net Daily: RENO 911

Posted in ann coulter, apologists and appeasers, Branches of the Government, Civil Liberties, Clinton, Coffee and Conversation, Courts and Constitution, Democrats and Republicans, Domestic Politics, Dublicitous Democrats, duplicitous democrats, exclusive commentary, Executive Branch, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, hillary clinton, Humor, Judicial, Judicial Branch, Law & Politics, Lenin, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Libs, North America, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, President, Rants, Social Engineering, socialism, Society, walter mitty, Writers | 4 Comments »

Aztlán: Paving the way to with propaganda, politics, racism

Posted by thebosun on August 26, 2007

Courtesy of Sonoran News, the Conservative Voice of Arizona


Paving the way to Aztlán with propaganda, politics, racism

By Linda Bentley, Reporter, Sonoran News

    AZTLÁN – What was and where was Aztlán? The Arizona Republic fielded a similar question under their Science Q & A. 

    Dan Kincaid responded: “Aztlán was the legendary original home of the Aztec Indians … Aztlán, which means literally ‘Place of the Herons’ in their Náhuatl language …” Kincaid goes on to say “… the Aztecs believed their Ancestors migrated in stages from Aztlán, reaching central Mexico about A.D. 1200. An Aztec subgroup, the Tenochas founded their capital, Tenochtitlán, in 1325 on an island in Lake Texcoco after seeing an eagle perched on a cactus and devouring a rattlesnake.”

    The New York University Press states: “Aztlán was the mythical place of origin in some Aztec traditions, a lake with an island in the middle that was replicated when the wandering Mexica settled at Tenochtitlan. The word Aztec is derived from this mythical place.” Another University in Buffalo, New York claims, “Aztlán is the Aztec name for their ancestral place of origin located, according to an old legend, somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean,” citing that it corresponds geographically to Atlantis, as described in Plato’s works, “Critias” and “Timaeus.”  
Teachings of MEChA “… the brutal ‘gringo’ invasion of our territories.” However, in a Hispanic Studies textbook, “The Mexican American Heritage” by East Los Angeles high school teacher Carlos Jimenez, Aztlán is depicted on page 84 in a redrawn map of Mexico and the United States, showing Mexico with one third more territory.

    On page 107, Jimenez states, “Latinos are now realizing that the powers to control Aztlán may once again be in their hands.” The textbook teaches highschool students that Mexico is supposed to regain the states of Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington and that they rightly belong to the “mythical” homeland of Aztlán.
    The book contains no references or footnotes and teaches separatism, victimization and nationalism, while promoting an open border policy.

    The myth of Aztlán is heavily promoted through MEChA club meetings at college campuses across the nation, rapidly gaining acceptance at high school campuses as well.

    MEChA stands for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán. Their logo depicts an eagle holding a stick of dynamite.

    The preamble of MEChA’s National Constitution states: “Chicano and Chicana students of Aztlán must take upon themselves the responsibilities to promote Chicanismo within the community, politicizing our Raza with an emphasis on indigenous consciousness to continue the struggle for selfdetermination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlán.” The University of Arizona MEChA Chapter’s website states: “The following documents are essential to the philosophy of MEChA. Every Mechista should be familiar with them. Listed along with their National Constitution is ‘El Plan de Santa Barbara’ and El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán, which opens with, ‘In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal “gringo” invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlán from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny.

    ‘We are free and sovereign to determine those tasks which are justly called for by our house, our land, the sweat of our brows, and by our hearts.

    Aztlán belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans.

    We do not recognize capricious frontiers on the bronze continents.’ 
Preaching prejudice, racism, hatred and anti-Semitism La Voz de Aztlán is a bilingual online news service published from Los Angeles (Whittier), “Alta California” that claims to be “focused on news events that are relevant to La Raza in Aztlán, Mexico and beyond.” They say that they also publish their own “unique analysis of world events and contemporary issues through editorials, commentary and political cartoons.” Publisher Hector Carreon and Editor-in-Chief Ernesto Cienfuegos definitely have a unique spin on events and issues.

    It is commonly known as racism and anti-Semitism.

    One of Cienfuegos’ editorials is titled: “The ‘Kosher Nostra Scam’ on the American Consumer.” Cienfuegos said of their research, “What we found certainly was ‘news’ to us and it both shocked and angered us.” After becoming educated in the various kosher symbols on food packaging, Cienfuegos made the statement, “I learned that major food companies throughout America actually pay a Jewish Tax amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars per year in order to receive protection.

    The scam is to coerce the companies to pay up or suffer consequences of a Jewish boycott.” He concludes with, “… I demand my money back for all I had to pay over the years for the hidden and illegal Jewish Tax. Are there any bright attorneys out there that could bring a class action suit against the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations on behalf of the citizens of Aztlán and other non-Jewish people?” Carreon wrote an editorial called: “Shattered Identities: ‘Malinchismo’ as a Dissociative Identity Disorder Caused by Ritual Racial Abuse.” He says, “To understand how these personality types may come about, we can refer to recent history involving the Jews during their traumatic ‘Nazi Holocaust Period!’ The German Jews had their own ‘Vendidos’ and ‘House Niggers’ called ‘Judenrat’ and ‘Kapos.’” Carreon says that what they all have in common is that they have all identified with the dominant oppressors. According to Carreon, the beginnings of the micro-traumas and ritual racial abuse start in kindergarten when little Juanita is told by her “gringa” teacher not to speak Spanish. At lunch she becomes the victim of ridicule by her “gringo” peers when she has a burrito for lunch instead of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

    He claims Juanita grows up with “dismal self-esteem” and “self-hate” that could sentence her to life of gangbanging and drugs. But then, he says Juanita can alternatively take on different personality direction, caused by the micro-traumas and ritual racial abuse, one that causes her to dissociate her identity as Juanita. She might develop such a shame that she changes her name to Jane, bleaches her hair blond and starts to take on characteristics of “Anglos.” Carreon says this is “merely a nuisance but can become dangerous to our community when ‘Anglos’ start using these personality types against us.” He then states, “Like the ‘Judenrat’ in Nazi Germany, these ‘Malinchistas’ will be utilized against us in political campaigns like the present one against Bilingual Education.” La Voz creates anti-Semitic correlations from ordinary news in article upon article.

    Their agenda promotes racism against all white people, especially Jews, and portrays all Hispanics as victims.

“… designed to create cultural havoc” Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) Superintendent George F. Garcia’s promotion of outcome-based education and special treatment toward Hispanic children did not sit well with a group of TUSD parents.

    They formed Arizona Parents for Traditional Education and petitioned Garcia and the governing board to return “back to the basics” education to TUSD, citing, “We do not want to replicate California’s eight year mass experimentation and failure with outcomebased education.” 

    One parent, John Stevenson, wrote an open letter to Garcia, responding to a frontpage article in the Tucson Citizen where Garcia called for special classes and special help for Hispanic students.

    Stevenson said, “Under the constitution of the United States it is incumbent on all government agencies to treat all citizens equally. It is unconstitutional for any government agency in the US to single out any racial group for special favors, nor should they single out any other racial group to suffer as a result.

    This action is blatant racial bigotry.” Stevenson continued, “In addition to racial bigotry, Mr.

    Garcia, you foster cultural terrorism. When you allow special consideration based on race, it builds lifetime resentment in the others. You, in effect, teach the others to hate those who you make privileged.

    “When you teach a selected race that it requires your special help, you also teach them that they are either genetically or culturally inadequate.

    You try to modify that by teaching them that the only reason they need this help is because the white community abuses them.” Stevenson said Garcia’s actions could be “construed as fraudulent and perhaps even traitorous” as his acceptance of the public’s money, earmarked “to prepare children for their adult place in society,” is, instead, being used by Garcia to bring about ideological change, using children to promote his vision of a socialist society.

    “… one must suspect that this is a deliberate process.

    One designed to create cultural havoc,” Stevenson wrote.

    He ended his letter “Please, sir, I beg you, resign from your job immediately and save the community from further damage.” That was back in August 1996. Garcia didn’t resign. It wasn’t until four years later that Garcia left.

    Still posted as one of the goals of the TUSD Hispanic Studies curriculum: “Establish and nurture educational and community partnerships by taking an active role in advocating for Hispanic concerns and issues.” 

Once a patriotic organization that emphasized the importance of citizenship, the League of United Latin American Citizens now supports the theory that Hispanics have been victimized by white people, and are staunch proponents of illegal immigration.

Political influencing

State Representative John A. Loredo, Dem. District 22, who was first elected in 1996, then re-elected in 1998 and 2000, attended Phoenix College, where he first became involved in politics.

    He was elected president of MEChA and he was the first President-Founding Member of LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) Young Adult Council.

    He worked with Cesar Chavez organizing marches, rallies and boycotts. His first political campaign was the “NO on 106 (English Only)” committee.

    He served on an Ad Hoc Committee on Border Issues and on the Farmworker Affordable Housing Study Committee. He served on the Executive Board for the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators and as a board member of Friendly House, one of the four nonprofit organizations that was chosen to run the Palomino Day Worker Center in Phoenix.

    Another organization that runs the day laborer center is Tonatierra. Tonatierra Community Development Institute proclaims its location as Nelhuayotl, Aztlán, although they use a Phoenix PO Box for their mail.

Day workers are “forced to stand on street corners and suffer the scorn of a society which utilizes them to clean their houses.”

Tonatierra’s coordinator, Salvador Reza, was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. His family moved to Ysleta, Texas when his father, a farm worker, was granted a work permit under the bracero program.

    Reza sees himself as a victim of racism, stemming back to his days in kindergarten.

    After graduating from the University of California, San Diego, Reza began working for immigrant advocacy groups.

    He says he came to Phoenix because he believes it is the center of Aztlán, the original land of the Aztecs before they migrated south to Mexico. Of all the stories about where Aztlán might have been, Reza is the only one who believes its center is in Phoenix.

    Reza, one of the major lobbyists for the Palomino Day Worker Center in Phoenix, was quoted in an interview as saying that jornaleros, or day workers, are “forced to stand on street corners and suffer the scorn of a society which utilizes them to clean their houses.” One of Tonatierra’s initiatives was the Macehualli Project, to organize the hundreds of day laborers in Phoenix.

    Reza believes the Macehualli Union de Jornaleros (Day Laborers Union) will achieve justice and dignity through the establishment of day labor centers.

    Tonatierra and Reza’s goals go far beyond the day laborer centers he wishes to create throughout the city. He is pushing for increased Latino political representation and expanding the Xinachtil Program (Xinachtil means “seed” in the Aztec language) in the public school system to teach “traditions, culture, art and science of indigenous people.” Immigrant advocacy groups no longer promote legal immigration, citizenship, learning English or any other assimilation into this country. Hispanicrights groups talk of reoccupation and repatriation of the southwestern United States, the land of “indigenous people.” 

Demographic warfare … exporting Mexico’s surplus poverty In Tucson, Pima County Legal Defender Isabel Garcia, cochair of Derechos Humanos (Human Rights), promotes open borders and illegal immigration, proclaiming: “No human is illegal.” She denounces the same laws she is hired to uphold, and does so on taxpayer’s money.

    The Pima County Board of Supervisors claim Garcia can do whatever she likes during her own time.

    Garcia, along with co-chair Jose Lerma, have recently been selected to serve on a 100-member council created by Mexico’s government to represent Mexicans living in the United States. Their main duty is to advise the Mexican government on the needs of the approximately 9-10 million Mexican natives residing in this country … about half legally and half illegally.

    The concept of reoccupation is not new. The term was used in an official study done by the Mexican Government’s National Council on Population (Conapo).

    Conapo’s study predicts that during Mexican President Vicente Fox’s six year term, ending in 2006, that two million Mexicans will enter the United States at the approximate rate of 380,000 per year.

    The study also indicates that the Mexican government has embraced the concept of “demographic warfare,” a reconquering of the southwestern United States through unchecked illegal immigration and by exporting its “surplus poverty” to regain control.

    Mexican novelist Elena Poniatowska was quoted in Mexico’s EWE news service as having said, “Mexico is at the moment recovering territories it lost in the past to the United States thanks to emigration (sic). The common people – the poor, the dirty, the lice ridden, the cockroaches are advancing on the United States, a country that needs to speak Spanish because it has 33.5 million Hispanics who are imposing their culture.” Mexican columnist Carlos Loret de Mola explained Mexico’s “demographic warfare” strategy in Mexico’s newspaper, the Excelsior, over 20 years ago.

   Loret’s article, “The Great Invasion: Mexico Recovers on its Own,” described the strategy: “A peaceful mass of people … carries out slowly and patiently an unstoppable invasion, the most important in human history. You cannot give me a similar example of such a large migration wave by an ant-like multitude, stubborn, unarmed, and carried on in the face of the most powerful and best-armed nation on earth … [Neither] barbed-wire fences, nor aggressive border guards, nor campaigns, nor laws, nor police raids against the undocumented, have stopped this movement of the masses that is unprecedented in any part of the world.” Loret describes a migrant invasion that continues and that will return the southwestern states to the jurisdiction of Mexico, “… without the firing of a single shot, nor requiring the least diplomatic action, by means of a steady, spontaneous, and uninterrupted occupation.” The effects of what Loret said then where already apparent in Los Angeles, which he called “the second largest Mexican city in the world.” MEChA promotes an ultimate ideology to liberate Aztlán. Four of the main Hispanic pressure groups, LULAC, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), the National Council of La Raza (La Raza) and MEChA, are united in their main objectives. They promote an agenda of racial and ethnic consciousness.

    They all want more immigration of their own people into the United States. They want to stop deportation of illegal aliens and want to provide American citizen’s rights, including the right to vote, to non-citizens. They promote Spanish as the official language in areas dominated by Hispanics. They believe that Americans must assimilate to Hispanic culture and language.

    They believe this is already their land and have no need to become citizens, learn English or assimilate in any way. By proclaiming the southwestern United States, Aztlán, they believe all those of Hispanic decent are already citizens.

    It appears that anyone who disagrees with that agenda is considered a racist. Author Michelle Malkin, who is of Filipino decent, disagrees … she too has been branded a racist.

Mexican, white, non-white depends where benefits are

In the 1950s, the LULAC recognized English as the official language of the United States, emphasized the importance of citizenship, supported immigration control and mass deportation of illegal aliens.

    They even began all of their meetings reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Salvador Reza of Tonatierra, who considers himself a victim of racism from events that occurred in kindergarten, became an advocate for illegal immigrants after graduating from college.

    Today, the LULAC supports the theory Hispanics are victimized by white people.
    “Mexicans” were counted separately, for the first time, during the 1930 Census. Because Texas was segregated, Mexicans felt they were losing their status as non-white and might face the same conditions as blacks.

    The LULAC succeeded a few years later in having Mexicans recognized as “whites” again, and treated that way for segregation purposes.

    Then, 40 years later, after affirmative action programs become introduced for blacks, the LULAC and La Raza lobbied successfully to be recognized as “non-whites” so that Mexicans would be recognized for racial preference purposes.

    They ebbed and flowed with identity, insisting they were white when there were advantages to being white. When benefits associated with being non-white surfaced, it was time to change color again.

    In a letter to the editor (published in the March 12 edition of Sonoran News), LULAC President Samuel Esquivel wrote, “You are what I would characterize as a ‘true racist.'” Esquivel also stated, “I hear the complaining about illegal immigrants being the cause of all these bad things, but I don’t hear nobody complaining about their lawns not being cut, their houses not being cleaned, dishes not being washed in restaurants, cars not being washed, houses not being built, etc. The bottom line is, if it were not for these so called illegal immigrants, who people like you take advantage of, you would not be living in the lap of luxury, as you are accustomed to living.” Esquivel claims that any suggestion about upholding laws of this nation is just a means of hiding racist behavior.

    Another letter, printed in the same edition, came from John Garrido, Chairman of the National Hispanic Coalition, in the process of forming. He states, “Long ago salsa replaced ketchup as America’s number one condiment. As ketchup went by the wayside, those that attempt to diminish the values Hispanic Americans hold sacred will some day also go by the wayside.” Cutbacks in illegal alien benefits “a disgrace to American values” The Ford Foundation alone has poured millions of dollars in funding into organizations like La Raza and MALDEF.

    And while MALDEF’s Mario Obledo stated, “California is going to be a Hispanic state.

    Anyone who doesn’t like it should leave,” President Clinton awarded Obledo the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1998.

    Immigrant rights organizations continue to lobby for special treatment toward Hispanics – bilingual education, affirmative action, mass immigration and more hate crime laws.

    La Raza claims immigration control violates civil rights and that cutbacks in welfare and other benefits for illegal aliens is “a disgrace to American values.” The United States Government apparently believes, somehow, that “regularizing” illegal aliens from Mexico will get one party or the other elected, depending on who grants the “regularizing.” They are most likely mistaken.

    These groups claim to hate Americans and all that is American. However, they keep coming … coming to reclaim Aztlán.

    And, government officials seem to be paving their way with benefits, amnesty and “rights,” at citizens’ expense.

Posted in Anti Semitic, Anti-Semitism, anti-US, Arizona Living, Border Protection, Crime, Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Domestic Politics, Domestic Terrorism, Identity Theft, Illegal, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration shenanigans, Law & Politics, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Libs, mexico, News and Information, North America, Politics, scam artists, Scams, Schemes & Scams, Security matters, Social Engineering, socialism, Society, US hater, US News, US of A | Leave a Comment »

Posted by thebosun on June 5, 2007

Courtesy of the Rick Roberts Show

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the Rick Roberts Show are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of The Bosun Locker or any entity affiliated with Bosun.


Since when did Arizona become a state full of liberal mouthpiece Republicans-in-name-only politicians?

We have already established a long time ago that California is FULL of malcontent hippie elected officials…

But who ever thought that a conservative, Western state would be the leader of the selling-out of our nation?

Three of the bill’s architects are from this desert state: Senator and Presidential candidate John McCain, Senator Jon Kyl, and Congressman Jeff Flake.

These men take groups like La Raza seriously. So much so that they invited this radical group– along with other illegal alien groups– into bill negotiations.

Imagine that… these guys, including our own senators, will take La Raza seriously… but not you.


If he pulls his support for the bill over a “killer” amendment, Jon Kyl said, he will be accused of succumbing to right-wing threats, and he is not sure he can persuade enough colleagues to bolt with him. HMMM… “RIGHT-WING THREATS.” DO YOU, MR. TED KENNEDY MOUTHPIECE, NOT MEAN YOUR OWN REPUBLICAN CONSTITUENCY?

Hmmm… Why don’t you call him? give Jon Kyl a piece of your mind… Remind him that he represents the AMERICAN people- NOT the people of every other country BUT America
WASHINGTON D.C.: Phone: (202) 224-4521, Fax: (202) 224-2207
PHOENIX: Phone: (602) 840-1891, Fax: (602) 957-6838
TUCSON: Phone: (520) 575-8633, Fax: (520) 797-3232

Or drop him an email at

Then, you have John McCain: “the President knows about immigration, he spent eight years as governor of Texas,” McCain told the AP. “The Republican Party must address this issue, [regarding immigration] if, in my part of the country, we expect to attract Hispanic voters.”



Here are some more things that will set your hair on fire… Most of this is McCain… (Click here to listen to the audio.)

McCain didn’t just shoot his campaign in the foot… he shot it in the stomach. Call him and let him know it.
WASHINGTON D.C.: Phone: (202) 224-2235, Fax: (202) 228-2862
PHOENIX: Phone: (602) 952-2410, Fax: (602) 952-8702
TEMPE: Phone: (480) 897-6289, Fax: (480) 897-8389
TUCSON: Phone: (520) 670-6334, Fax: (520) 670-6637
CAMPAIGN OFFICES: (703) 418-2008

Or email him at

“You just have to recognize you will get 300 calls, you’ll get conflicts at town hall meetings — all of them negative,” said Rep. Jeff Flake. “The last few days have really turned things around.”

Hmmm… Why don’t you call him as well? Give Jeff Flake a piece of your mind… Tell him his sell-out bill hasn’t exactly been forgotten!!
WASHINGTON D.C.: (202) 225-2635, Fax: (202) 226-4386
MESA: Phone: (480) 833-0092, Fax: (480) 833-6314
PRESS SECRETARY: 202-225-3487

Or you can email him at


There are 30 amendments ready to be discussed– part of these amendments are being pushed by La Raza. Keep on piling on the phone calls.


But this is what America gets… for taking its eye off the ball. For not caring to vote… for not caring to partake in their civil duties… and for not speaking out earlier.

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” …why does this no longer exist in the hearts of Americans?

You can Comment Directly to Rick Roberts KFMB San Diego Here»

Posted in 'War on Terror', apologists and appeasers, Coffee and Conversation, Congress, Congressional Pork, Domestic Politics, Domestic Terrorism, Dublicitous Democrats, duplicitous democrats, Economics and Politics, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Law & Politics, Legislative Branch, News, North America, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego, U.S. Senate, US News, walter mitty, Washington Politics | Leave a Comment »

Posted by thebosun on June 5, 2007

Different Standards for Republicans

Courtesy of Big Dog’s Weblog

Scooter Libby was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in jail for his conviction of lying under oath, or perjury. The judge refused to weigh Libby’s career of public service and decided to jail him rather than give him probation and fined him a quarter million dollars. This is what happens when Republican is convicted of lying under oath. When a Democrat is guilty of that he keeps his job and makes millions of dollars a year on the speaking circuit while his wife serves as a Senator and runs for President. The article indicates that Libby was the highest ranking official convicted of a crime since Iran Contra. I guess Clinton being guilty of perjury (the same offense as Libby) does not count because the gutless bastards in the Senate did not have the courage to impeach him. I suppose those on the left who said that perjury was not an impeachable offense can shut up now since this jackass judge has decided it is worth 30 months in jail.

I am not convinced Libby lied and even if he did it is not worth 30 months in jail. This judge is trying to make a name for himself by being tough but if Libby’s lie was worth 30 months where was this jackass judge when Clinton was deliberately lying to cover up his behavior? I think Libby should have just killed Fitzgerald because then he would be on probation. DC never takes murder that seriously and Libby would be a free man and Fitzgerald would be with Satan where he belongs.

Libby does not have a report date and the judge has not decided whether he should remain free pending his appeal (but has indicated that he sees no reason for it). The President should wait to see if Libby will remain free until his appeal and if he must report to jail the President should immediately pardon him. I don’t really care if the left likes it and Fitzgerald can suck wind along with his butt buddy judge. President Bush should thumb his nose at them and pardon Libby so he can move on with his life. Clinton seems to be doing well after his episode of perjury and Libby deserves the same.

If Hillary Rodham makes any comments about the sentence people should remind her that her sex offender husband was guilty of the same and then someone should kick her between her legs and make her testicles land in her throat. If Bush pardons Libby and she has a word to say then they should kick her there again and remind her of Mark Rich and all the other people her husband sold his pardons to.

As for the Democrats in Congress, if any of them comment on the culture of corruption and Libby then they had better be prepared to see Jefferson end up in jail for a thousand years and not open their yaps. They should also be reminded that their last President should be in a cell next to Libby and that they all should be there as well.

I believe that Libby can win on appeal. Fitzgerald unduly influenced the jury by and he continued even after he had the leak. Had he stopped when his scope had been reached he would not have even spoken with Libby. Spilled milk I imagine, now George Bush needs to grow a pair and pardon the man instead of just feeling awful for him and his family.

Fitzgerald is worthless and someone should kick him between the legs. Of course, it won’t hurt him. you have to have something there to feel pain. But then the judge already knows that.

Big Dog


Posted in apologists and appeasers, Clinton, Coffee and Conversation, Congress, Congressional Pork, Crime and Justice, Democrats and Republicans, Domestic Politics, Dublicitous Democrats, duplicitous democrats, Economics and Politics, Freedom, International News, Judicial, Law & Politics, Legislative Branch, Lenin, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Libs, News, North America, Opinions and Commentaries, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, Rants, scam artists, Scams, Schemes & Scams, Social Engineering, socialism, Society, U.S. Senate, US News, walter mitty, Washington Politics, washington scandal, White Collar Crimes, World News and Politics | Leave a Comment »

Congressman William Jefferson Indicted

Posted by thebosun on June 4, 2007


Disclaimer:  Criminal indictments are only charges and not evidence of guilt. A defendant is presumed to be innocent until and unless proven guilty.

Courtesy of the FBI: Official Press Release

U.S. Department of Justice
Jeffrey A. Taylor
United States Attorney
for the District of Columbia
Judiciary Center
555 4th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530


For Information, Contact Public Affairs
Channing Phillips (202) 514-6933
June 4, 2007


WASHINGTON – United States Congressman William J. Jefferson was indicted today by a federal grand jury on charges including bribery and racketeering for allegedly using his office to corruptly solicit bribes and for paying bribes to a foreign official, Assistant Attorney General Alice S. Fisher of the Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg for the Eastern District of Virginia announced today.

The 16-count indictment, returned by a federal grand jury in Alexandria, Va., charges Jefferson with solicitation of bribes, honest services wire fraud, money laundering, obstruction of justice, violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, racketeering, and conspiracy. The indictment alleges that from in or about August 2000 through in or about August 2005, Jefferson, while serving as an elected member of the U.S. House of Representatives, used his position and his office to corruptly seek, solicit and direct that things of value be paid to Jefferson and his family members in exchange for his performance of official acts to advance the interests of people and businesses who offered him the bribes.

The things of value allegedly sought and/or received by Jefferson on behalf of his business interests and relatives included hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bribes in the form of payments from monthly fees or retainers, consulting fees, percentage shares of revenues and profits, flat fees for items sold, and stock ownership in the companies seeking his official assistance.

The official acts allegedly undertaken by Jefferson included leading official business delegations to Africa, corresponding with U.S. and foreign government officials, and utilizing congressional staff members to promote businesses and businesspersons. Business ventures that Congressman Jefferson sought to promote included: telecommunications deals in Nigeria, Ghana, and elsewhere; oil concessions in Equatorial Guinea; satellite transmission contracts in Botswana, Equatorial Guinea, and the Republic of Congo; and development of different plants and facilities in Nigeria.

“The Department of Justice is committed to enforcing the public corruption laws designed to ensure the integrity of our government,” said Assistant Attorney General Fisher. “The Department will continue to hold public officials accountable for corrupt acts such as the bribery schemes outlined in today’s indictment.”
“The schemes charged are complex, but the essence of this case is simple: Mr. Jefferson corruptly traded on his good office, and on the Congress where he served as a Member of the United States House of Representatives, to enrich himself and his family through a pervasive pattern of fraud, bribery and corruption that spanned many years and two continents,” said U.S. Attorney Rosenberg.

“The FBI has made combating public corruption its top criminal investigative priority because American citizens deserve honest and ethical public officials representing their interest,” said Assistant Director Kenneth W. Kaiser, FBI Criminal Investigative Division. “As it is alleged, Congressman Jefferson violated the public’s trust and used his official position and office as a RICO enterprise to corruptly solicit bribes, to pay off a foreign official, and to illegally benefit from overseas business transactions during a five-year period. The FBI will continue to work with our local, state, federal and international partners to combat public corruption across all levels of government as no corrupt public servant is exempt from FBI scrutiny.”

The indictment alleges that Jefferson knowingly conspired with Vernon L. Jackson, a Louisville, Ky., businessman, and Brett M. Pfeffer, a former Jefferson congressional staff member, and others as part of the bribery and corruption scheme. Jefferson allegedly discussed and solicited bribes in return for being influenced in the performance of certain official acts, including receiving things of value from iGate, Jackson’s company. According to the indictment, Jefferson also corruptly sought bribes from an individual identified in the indictment as a Cooperating Witness (CW) to be paid to family members. The indictment alleges, for example, that Jefferson required 5 percent to 7 percent of the CW’s newly formed Nigerian company be given to members of Jefferson’s family in exchange for his assistance. Jefferson allegedly made the request of the CW in December 2004 during a meeting in a congressional dining room.

The indictment further alleges that Jefferson violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by allegedly offering, promising and making payments to a foreign official to advance the various business endeavors in which he and his family had financial interest. Jefferson was allegedly responsible for negotiating, offering and delivering payments of bribes to the official identified in the indictment as “Nigerian Official A.”
According to the indictment, on or about July 18, 2005, Jefferson met with Nigerian Official A at the official’s residence in Potomac, Md., and offered Official A a bribe to induce him to use his position to assist in obtaining commitments from NITEL, the government-controlled main telecommunications service provider in Nigeria. On or before Aug. 3, 2005, at his residence in Washington, D.C., Jefferson allegedly secreted in his freezer $90,000 of the $100,000 in cash provided by the CW as part of the front-end bribe payment to Nigerian Official A. The cash was separated into $10,000 increments, wrapped in aluminum foil, and concealed inside various frozen food containers.

Jefferson faces a maximum of 235 years in prison if convicted on all counts. Jackson was sentenced to 87 months in prison after pleading guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit bribery and the payment of bribes to a public official. Pfeffer was sentenced to 96 months in prison after pleading guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit bribery and aiding and abetting the solicitation of bribes by a member of Congress.
The case is being prosecuted by Mark D. Lytle and Rebeca H. Bellows, Assistant U.S. Attorneys, Eastern District of Virginia and Trial Attorney Charles E. Duross of the Fraud Section of the Criminal Division at the U.S. Department of Justice. The case is being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, with the assistance of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).

Criminal indictments are only charges and not evidence of guilt. A defendant is presumed to be innocent until and unless proven guilty.


Posted in apologists and appeasers, Branches of the Government, Coffee and Conversation, Complaints, Congress, Congressional Pork, Crime, Crime and Justice, Democrats and Republicans, Domestic Politics, Dublicitous Democrats, Economics and Politics, FBI, Fraud, government agencies, Illegal, International News, Judicial, Judicial Branch, Justice Department, Law & Politics, Legislative Branch, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Libs, News, North America, Police & Law Enforcement, Political Pundit, Politics, scam artists, Scams, Scandals, Schemes & Scams, Society, Theft, U.S. Senate, US News, walter mitty, White Collar Crimes, World News and Politics | Leave a Comment »

News on Documentary: Islam vs. Islamists

Posted by Rosemary Welch on April 30, 2007

There has been much writing and many phone calls, yet CPB and PBS still refuse to release the documentary, “Islam vs. Islamists.” If you go to this site, you may sign a petition for the release of this documentary. You may also leave your e-mail so that when we have finally won this battle, you may buy your own DVD of the documentary. I highly recommend you do. Thank you.

Posted in Freedom of Speech/Politics, Islamist, Law & Politics, Moderate Arabs, News, Politics/Debate, Prayers | Leave a Comment »

ALERT: EU is ripping us off & using OUR name to do it!

Posted by Rosemary Welch on April 30, 2007

This is just another reason why we should never trust an ally, just like President George Washington stated in his farewell address. They will stab you in the back the first chance they get. That is what Europe is doing now.

EADS: Partner or proliferator?
CSP Occasional Paper Apr 25, 2007

In this paper, the Center argues that the U.S.’s involvement with European defense conglomerate EADS poses potentially serious problems for our security. For example, although EADS routinely bids for U.S. defense contracts, it sells military equipment to Iran and China, and has even been fingered in a scheme in which Iran purchased nuclear weapons parts.

If EADS wants to be a legitimate, reliable partner for the U.S., it must stop its dangerous and irresponsible behavior, plain and simple. Its bribery, corruption, proliferation, and anti-Americanism need to come to an end. Also, it must fully make clear the extent to which Putin’s Russia – which owns a substantial part of the company – is capable of guiding EADS policy.

Until these behaviors are changed, the U.S. has every right to deny EADS a role in our national security.

View Full Paper (PDF).

We must let all Americans know the truth. This is not right. As a matter of fact, it is very dangerous! We are the informers, so let us inform! Get writing, e-mailing, calling, and doing whatever it takes to get this news to as many people as possible.

We got the truth out about Islam vs. Islamists. We can do this. Thank you for all of your help. Have a wonderful day.

Hat tip: Bryan Hill, Research Associate, Center for Security Policy.

Posted in anti-US, Asia, Europe, Iran, Law & Politics, News, War and Peace | Leave a Comment »

If it’s not alive, why is it so hard to kill?

Posted by Rosemary Welch on April 20, 2007

I have come upon this article in the UK where abortions are allowed up until the 24th week of–what? Pregnancy?–gestation. After this length of time, you must have a disability, a defect or the mother’s life must be in danger for the doctor to elect to murder you. Oh, there I go again. Speaking as if to the child–er–the fetus (which BTW means “baby” in English)–is a human being. Imagine that! I always wanted a puppy! (If you don’t get that, don’t bother trying. You are too far gone.)

One in 30 aborted foetuses lives.

One in 30 foetuses aborted for medical reasons is born alive, a 10-year study at 20 UK hospitals has found.

Most of these babies with disabilities were born between 20 and 24 weeks of pregnancy and all lived for no more than a few hours.

Anti-abortion campaigners said the figures in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology study were likely to be the tip of the iceberg.

But abortion experts said such incidents were extremely rare.

Abortion rates

Ultrasound of a Human Child
About 190,000 abortions take place annually in England and Wales. This is nearly a quarter of all pregnancies.

Most abortions are carried out on “healthy” foetuses for social reasons.

The study, however, looked at the outcomes of 3,189 abortions performed between 1995 and 2004 because the baby had a disability of some kind.

It showed that 102 – or around one in 30 – were born alive.

Julia Millington of the pro-life group Alive and Kicking Campaign said the rates found at West Midlands hospitals studied were likely to be mirrored elsewhere in the UK.

She explained: “If 102 out of 3,189 babies aborted for reasons of impairment are born alive, then how many healthy babies must be surviving?

“It is difficult to comprehend the number of babies, throughout the country, left fighting for their lives.” [Continue reading.]

So. I wonder also. I wonder how many children are BORN in America only to be layed to die? Oh yes. They let the CHILD starve, crying for it’s Mommy. I guess the ‘women’ who don’t have time to bother with children don’t need to know about this information. No. Only the info. from the EU that fits their agenda is noteworthy.

YOU ARE EXPOSED. I also wonder how many people will ever read about this study in America? The land of brave and the home of the free…life, liberty and property…God help us.

Posted in abortion, Child Abuse, Child abuse and neglect, Child Protection, embryos, Holocaust, Human Rights, Law & Politics, News, Politics/Debate, Prayers, pro-life, Religious Freedom, religious war, unborn child | Leave a Comment »

Why Bring more Crime to this Country?

Posted by thebosun on April 11, 2007

DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on the Rick Roberts Blog are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of The Bosun Locker blog or any entity affiliated with Bosun.

Hundreds of you have requested a transcript of the I Want My Country Backrant. You can get to Rick Roberts’ blog entry by CLICKING HERE. Rick has offered for you to post I Want My Country Back on every blog you read, and e-mail it to every friend you have. Rick has also conveniently made a podcast of his rant available for you would like to listen to it, CLICK HERE.

Originally posted at KFMB AM Radio San Diego By Rick Roberts
April 10th, 2007

El Presidente Buuuush visited Pima County yesterday to talk about his immigration plans.

He was at the opening of a new border patrol station…


It’s odd, I heard no mention of the border patrol agents unfairly prosecuted by “loyal Bushie” Johnny Sutton… No mention of the pardoning of BP agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. But I digress…

The President reiterated his belief that millions of new guest workers are needed to “do jobs Americans aren’t doing.”

Bush is quick to brag about Mexico importing their “talents and culture” into the U.S., but what you do not hear about is one of their highest importations: Crime.

A century ago it was the thing to migrate the legal way, to assimilate, to respect America… Such thing is now long gone, and now we edge closer and closer to imploding and eroding as a nation.

A couple Fridays ago, drunk illegal alien from Mexico, Alfredo Ramos, was speeding down Virginia Beach Boulevard in Virginia when he plowed into the rear of a 1994 Plymouth belonging to Allison Kunhardt, 17.

She was driving with her best friend, Tessa Tranchant, 16. Allison’s car was stopped at a red light.

Both were killed. One of the girls died at the scene. The other girl died shortly after she arrived at the hospital.

Both were wearing seatbelts.

Both were pinned in the wreckage and had to be cut free before paramedics could tend them.

Alfredo Ramos was working at a Mexican restaurant, Mi Casita… (You know, one of those jobs that “Americans won’t do.) He speaks NO English. He had three prior drunk driving convictions, including other crimes such as identity theft. His last DUI was only late last year. He was given a 90 day suspended sentence, fined $250, had his drivers’ license suspended… But court documents revealed that Ramos didn’t actually have a valid driver’s license; had actually paid $200 for a fake one. Because the two girls were killed in the sanctuary city of Virginia Beach, Alfredo Ramos was allowed to walk.

Hmmm… that restaurant that Ramos was working at… Don’t you think that if we actually enforced the law, in that perfect world that both parties are oblivious to, that piece of scum would be in his nation of origin and one of those girls could have been working the position that Alfredo Ramos was… Teenage employment is low, illegal alien employment is high. How dumb are our politicians??

Then we have local child molester, Juan Villalobos, 54…

An illegal alien, previously deported, wormed his way through our borders once more to commit a crime far worse than trespassing and stealing our resources and sovereignty…

He stole the innocence of three girls in their San Carlos home just over a year ago.

All three were relatives.

Villalobos was arrested yesterday evening at the Old Town trolley station.

We already have crime in this country. We don’t need more of it imported from other countries…

We ESPECIALLY don’t need it imported from a third world country.


Link to KFMB San Diego comments through this link: 21 Comments »

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Posted in apologists and appeasers, Arizona Living, Border Protection, Branches of the Government, Civil Liberties, Coffee and Conversation, Congress, Constitutional issues, Department of Homeland Security, Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Politics, Homeland Security Press Releases, Identity Theft, Illegal, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Immigration shenanigans, Latin/South America, Law & Politics, Liberal Society, Liberal Tolerance, Libs, News, North America, Opinions and Commentaries, Political Pundit, Politics, Politics/Debate, President, Presidential Press Releases, Rants, Rick Roberts, KFMB San Diego, scam artists, Scams, Scandals, Schemes & Scams, Security matters, Social Engineering, Society, South America, US News, World News and Politics | Leave a Comment »